Name That Book
For those of you who are not familiar with how Janet Evanovich comes up with the titles for her Stephanie Plum series... well, she makes her fans do all the work. So if you're good with words, che...
Shopping, Part II
For our second reading-related shopping post, we thought we'd focus on that most decadent of all seating options, the chaise lounge. Picture yourself stretched out on any of these lovely pieces of...
More Kelly Armstrong!
Broken, Ms. Armstrong's newest book in the Otherworld series, was released last week. (I picked the book up over the weekend, but I haven't had a chance to start reading it yet--I spent the weeke...
Megan's Bookshelf Update
With all of these trips to New York & D.C. I have spent plenty of time waiting in airports. This has resulted in many new additions to my book collection--so many, in fact, that I will either have...
It's here!
Happy Walpurgisnacht, gentle readers! And happy Freinacht, gentle readers in Bavaria! Happy Valpurzina noc, gentle readers in the Czech Republic! And happy various-other-holidays-that-I-can-neithe...
Walpurgis Part V
Aaaaaand, last but not least, there are two scenes in Goethe's Faust named after Walpurgisnacht.A little bonus trivia: my mother once gave me copy of Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther--I think...
Hee. Hee hee hee...
Variety is reporting that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are considering starring in a film version of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.Excuse me--I'll be in the next room, laughing my ass off.
Walpurgis Part IV thought I was done, didn't you?The second act of Edward Albee's play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?* is called "Walpurgisnacht".*Completely and totally not Wordcandy-approved. Makes The M...
Moving out...
Well, I am finally back from my long weekend of checking out our nation's capital for possible areas to live. Yes--in just a few short months I am going to pack everything up and move to Washingto...
Walpurgis Part III
Aaaaand in Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, there's a scene where Margarita goes to Satan's Walpurgis Ball...Good book. Not Wordcandy-approved.
Walpurgis Part II
J. K. Rowling once mentioned in an interview that the original name for the Death Eaters was going to be the "Knights of Walpurgis". Frankly, I think "Knights of Walpurgis" sounds a lot less dorky...
Walpurgis Night!
The very Wordcandy-worthy holiday "Walpurgis" is coming up this week (the night of April 30th). Walpurgis Night celebrations in Finland are marked by the publication of two humor magazines: Apy an...
Why have an Easter egg hunt when you can read a book called Men Who Hate Women?
Newsflash: Norwegians are an unusual bunch. Check out this article on their tradition of reading mystery/crime novels during Easter Week.
Wordcandy weekly book snippet
Excerpt from: Kitty and the Midnight Hour, by Carrie VaughnWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:The wry, funny, werewolf heroine, who starts off the book as a lowly pack member and finishes ...
Double Ugh.
Yesterday's post lead to a staff discussion of other books that we are too creeped out by to review. (Look--we're delicate, okay?) There's actually a fair number of them, including, but not limite...
Why, Wendelin Van Draanen? WHY?!?
I regret to report that Wendelin Van Draanen has confirmed rumors that there is, in fact, going to be a Sammy Keyes movie.All we can hope for now is that she didn't sell the rights to Disney....
We'll be taking a brief break for Easter weekend...
...but we thought we'd leave you with this creeptastic Easter book cover. Donnie Darko aside, have you ever seen a more malevolent-looking bunny?
Guilty Pleasures
No, this post is not another Laurell K. Hamilton bashing post (although after her last book it really should be--it sucked, Laurell!). Today we are talking about those books that you love in spit...
They're always telling us to buy classic pieces, right?
Behold, the Babysitters' Club punk rock tee!Here it is in action:Aaaaand here's a close-up:This t-shirtly gem (obviously an important addition to any girl's wardrobe) is the product of the Cat and...
Gregor the Overlander, by Suzanne Collins

Pretty much the only things that went through my head while reading Suzanne Collins’s novel Gregor the Overlander were My God, this book is awesome! and There’s a sequel, right?. It’s been a long...
Wordcandy weekly book snippet
Excerpt from: The Princess Bride, by William GoldmanWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:Dude. The subtitle is "A Hot Fairytale". What's not to love?In this scene...Goldman is giving us a ...