Another day, another iffy film adaptation
BBC One is making a feature-length film adaptation of Noel Streatfeild's children's classic Ballet Shoes. This production will star Victoria Wood, Richard Griffiths, Marc Warren, and Emma Watson ...
Where does she find them?
Okay, I am now convinced that there is a place where you can have bad covers designed for you on purpose! Because, without fail, Jayne Ann Krentz finds the world's worst covers for her Ghost Hun...
Hot coupon action
In honor of our current Featured Book—Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer's Agnes and the Hitman—we'd like to point out that their shared website is currently featuring a coupon for a $3 rebate off the ...
Agnes and the Hitman, by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer

Agnes and the Hitman, Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer’s second romantic-comedy/action-adventure collaboration, is a much more successful effort than their first, 2006’s Don’t Look Down. Their love ...
Fake Books, Part 87
Awesome or insane? It's your call...The Curiosity Shoppe is offering these bookshelves (they're made from real books, and there are several titles available) for $40. On one hand, $40 seems like...
Hard Case Crime has just released Fright, a "lost novel" by pulp fiction great Cornell Woolrich:According to the publisher, "[Fright was] lost for more than half a century and never before publish...
Even more Fake Books
Not only is this paperback-book-printed wallpaper butt-ugly*, it's also a whopping fifty-five euros per yard! Fifty-five euros! You could practically that entire stack of BOOKS for fifty-five eu...
Rowling out and about? is reporting that J.K. Rowling has been spotted hanging out in Edinburgh coffee houses, working on what her neighbor, fellow novelist Ian Rankin, described as "her Edinburgh criminal detec...
Vampire Academy, by Richelle Mead

Vampire Academy, Richelle Mead’s first book aimed at young adults, is 100% pure slinky fun. This stylish goth-lite novel isn’t breaking any new ground, but Mead's fiercely devoted heroines make her book a welcome entry into the overstuffed teen vampire genre...
The Pinball Theory of Apocalypse, by Jonathan Selwood

Jonathan Selwood obviously worked very hard on making his debut novel, The Pinball Theory of Apocalypse, equal parts amusing and appalling. Too many of his attempts to be shocking fall flat,...
Props from the Seattle PI...
Dude, we're famous!Wordcandy had another exciting first--we had our first press mention in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's "What's Online" section. Hopefully many more will come!
A commendable goal
Math Doesn't Suck: How to Survive Middle-School Math Without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail, a math guide written by mathematician and actress Danica McKellar (a.k.a. The Wonder Years' Winnie...
Old Friends and New Fancies, by Sybil G. Brinton

Written in 1913, Sybil G. Brinton’s Old Friends and New Fancies was the first Jane Austen sequel ever published, and features characters from all six of Austen’s books. While Old Friends and New Fancies doesn’t quite stand on its own as an independent novel, Brinton’s engaging continuation features a plausible imitation of Austen’s style and tone...
If only I could knit.
Thanks to the fine people at AustenBlog, I've just discovered Yarn Love, an online store that sells several colors of hand-dyed yarn inspired by literary heroines.You can buy Scarlet O'Hara yarn (...
The Off Season, by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Catherine Gilbert Murdock’s The Off Season is just as thoughtful and engrossing as its critically praised prequel, 2006’s Dairy Queen. Murdock’s quiet, football-playing heroine has gotten more self-confident since the events of Dairy Queen, but her attempt to take charge of her future is still very much a work in progress...
A sight to behold
I love these book covers:They look just like James Bond covers... if James Bond covers had been drawn by the people who draw the cover art for sewing patterns.There are at least three books in thi...
On the hunt
I'm thinking of picking up the first few volumes of Viz's Yakitate!! Japan (story and art by Takashi Hashigushi). A pun-filled cooking comedy about a young man with "otherworldly baking powers"? ...
Peter Ferguson brings the pretty.
The cover art is now available for Magic and Other Misdemeanors, the fifth book in Michael Buckley's Sisters Grimm series, and illustrator Peter Ferguson continues to knock our socks off:This seri...
Ooh, classy!
I totally encourage everybody to check out the trailer for the upcoming "digitally-enhanced live action" movie adaptation of Beowulf--it had me giggling for hours. Literary purists might be a lit...
Grossman interview on SCI FI Wire
Wordcandy writer Austin Grossman, author of Soon I Will Be Invincible, was recently interviewed on SCI FI Wire. Despite the fact that he says things like "The tropes of superhero life were develo...
Austen geeks take note
The people behind the upcoming film adaptation of The Jane Austen Book Club are currently running a contest with an excellent grand prize: a ticket to one of the 2008 JASNA-sponsored tours of Engl...
The Manny, by Holly Peterson

Time for another Wordcandy Book Review Double Feature!
The Manny, by Holly Peterson
Thirty-six-year-old Jamie Whitfield is unhappy. She has a fulfilling career and three beautiful children...
In Memoriam
My godmother Karen died of ovarian cancer in 2003. Karen was an all-around fantastically awesome person who loved to cook and entertain, and her daughter Alison has made a cookbook from her colle...
Poltergeist, by Kat Richardson

Kat Richardson’s Poltergeist (sequel to 2006’s Greywalker) is a sharp, sinister urban fantasy that blends storytelling with Seattle history. Painstakingly researched and intelligent, this series is perfect for fantasy/horror fans looking for something more than a spine-tingling cheap thrill...
*Not* an alphabet book
Roald Dahl fans take note: the paperback edition of Wendy Cooling's D is for Dahl: A Gloriumptious A to Z Guide to the World of Roald Dahl, is due out on August 16th. Dahl was just as weird as an...