Time on your hands?
Whoa. This must have taken some serious effort:And in other news, Disney has decided to go for a more dude-friendly take on the ol' fairytale genre: from here on out (says the Los Angeles Times),...
Alice in Wonderland (film review), by Lewis Carroll

Well, dear readers, I saw Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland over the weekend, and the best thing I can say about it is that it's probably best that the horrors of the Percy Jackson movie are still so fresh in my mind. It's not that the Alice movie was good, but everything looks better in comparison...
Please let this be true.
THANK YOU, KOREAN CINEMA GODS.Dramabeans.com is reporting that Jang Geun-seok (the adorable lead actor from last year's You're Beautiful) has signed on to play Takeshi Gouda, the main male charact...
Wildfire at Midnight, by Mary Stewart

Mary Stewart is one of those authors whose best work (the truly awesome 1958 novel Nine Coaches Waiting) was so good that everything else she produced pales in comparison...
Patience: my least favorite virtue
Speaking of The Wallflower, Friday's post reminded me that I hadn't seen Tomoko Hayakawa's latest volume on bookstore shelves yet, so I did a little research into its whereabouts. As it turns out...
Perfect Girl Evolution
I finally watched the first episode of the J-drama Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, which is based on one of my all-time favorite manga series, Tomoko Hayakawa's The Wallflower. For those of you unf...
The Dead-Tossed Waves, by Carrie Ryan

The Dead-Tossed Waves is the sequel to Carrie Ryan's 2009 novel The Forest of Hands and Teeth, and it's just as cheery as its predecessor—which is to say, not even remotely. Ryan's second book...
Counting down
AustenBlog recently posted a handy reminder that PBS is still hosting all three episodes of their recent adaptation of Emma on its Masterpiece website--but only until March 9th, so if you'd like t...
Chalk and cheese
Weird pairing news: Warner Bros. has apparently hired R.J. Cutler (the dude who directed the well-respected documentary The September Issue) to helm their adaptation of Melissa de la Cruz's (deepl...
Perpetual Check, by Rich Wallace

Rich Wallace's novel Perpetual Check is set at a regional chess tournament. Two brothers—sports star Zeke and chubby, retiring Randy—are competing, and the idea of playing against each other has p...
Goldfinger: new and undoubtedly improved
The BBC's Radio 4 is recording a new version (one "more faithful to Fleming’s original 1959 novel than the film version was") of Ian Fleming's classic James Bond novel Goldfinger, with the always-...
13th Boy, by SangEun Lee

When it comes to reading girls' manga and manhwa, sometimes it's best to turn off the critical part of our brains. This allows us to enjoy series that might otherwise seem disturbing—stories feat...
Nerd Shakeup
I've never actually been to Comic-Con, but the possibility of the venerable convention leaving San Diego depresses me*. * Admittedly, this is mostly because I hear San Diego has a restaurant that...
Look away, fellow OCD sufferers
...just looking at this bookshelf picture gives me a headache: I'm not sure why, but my brain is quietly but firmly declining to accept it.[Via Apartment Therapy]
Tena on S-String (Yen Press Extravaganza Part IV), by Sesuna Mikabe

More graphic novels! While Sesuna Mikabe's Tena on S-String is typically described as a seinen (young men's) manga, the series' second volume focuses more...
X-Men: Misfits, by Raina Telgemeier and Dave Roman

X-Men: Misfits is a shōjo-style retelling of Kitty Pryde's introduction to the X-Men written by Raina Telgemeier and Dave Roman and featuring sharp, clean-lined artwork by Anzu. The story is set b...
Superheroes and Beyond, by Christopher Hart

Christopher Hart's Superheroes and Beyond: How to Draw The Leading and Supporting Characters of Today's Comics promises to provide "the knowledge necessary to create great comic book characters......
Harry Potter World
Some dude called Brian Orndorf was kind enough to post some photographs of the construction happening at the Harry Potter theme park, and I have to say: it does look kind of awesome. I'm not sure ...
Set your alarm clocks!
Well-organized Jennifer Crusie fans TAKE NOTE:St. Martin's Press is currently running a week-long giveaway of 35 bound-manuscript copies of Jennifer Crusie's upcoming solo novel Maybe This Time. T...
An embarrassment of riches
Whoa, what happened? Lisa Kleypas has been releasing the books in her Hathaway family series on a once-a-year schedule since 2007, but now she's putting the last two books out within a month of ea...
Raiders' Ransom, by Emily Diamand

Raiders' Ransom, the debut novel from writer Emily Diamand, was the winner of the inaugural London Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition, and it's easy to see why: Diamand's blend of ...
Re-re-re-working it
Hmm. I see they're making a movie of Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son, which is a loose (very loose) continuation of Mary Shelley's novel.A movie of a novel adaptation (with, naturally, it...
The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein, by Libby Schmais

The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein, the debut YA novel from author Libby Schmais, is a collection of journal entries written by Lotus Lowenstein, a fifteen-year-old Brooklynite who is convinced—d...
Rin-ne: Vol. 1, by Rumiko Takahashi

Rin-ne is the fifth major series from manga great Rumiko Takahashi, following InuYasha, Ranma ½, Maison Ikkoku, and Urusei Yatsura. Rin-ne launched in...
It's a journal!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid trailer's up, and it looks... painful. But in a funnier-than-you'd-expect way:
I don't think that was why the audience was shouting "Blasphemy!"
Oh. My. Nathan sent me an interview with Craig Titley, the screenwriter for the truly unspeakable Percy Jackson movie. In it, Mr. Titley reflects on the way his recent PhD in mythology changed his...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (film review), by Rick Riordan

Picture this, dear readers—One day, you walk to the store and buy a chocolate chip cookie. You've noticed in the past that this store's baker isn't very good, so you worry that maybe the cookie will...
Valentine's Day Reading
Hello, darling readers! In honor of Valentine's Day, we'll be featuring two reviews on the site this morning. And because we understand that this is the kind of holiday that inspires mixed emotion...
Skeleton Creek and Ghost in the Machine, by Patrick Carman

Patrick Carman clearly appreciates a good literary gimmick. He promoted his Land of Elyon books via a four-month-long cross-country tour in a decorated bus, he contributed a novel to Scholastic's...
Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater

We here at Wordcandy admit it: we judge books by their covers. This doesn't always work for us (note our recent post on Atlas Shrugged), but we still believe that great cover art is an impor...