Probable hot mess
Okay, I'm 20% intrigued about/80% dreading this upcoming film adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. I really like the director (Selma's Ava DuVernay), but A Wrinkle in Time just isn't that movie friendly. Unlike, say, J.K. Rowling or C.S. Lewis, L'Engle's sense of fantasy was never particularly visual...
Best of luck, guys.

The Intercept recently posted a fascinating article about the difficulties surrounding children's book publishing in Russia. If the article's information is accurate, Russian publishers are working in a minefield: there is a 2010 law that details the government's MANY thoughts on how best to...
I'm sure he really needs the money.

According to Page Six, former Sony CEO Tommy Mottola is accused of running off with a $150,000 advance for a book he never actually wrote, according to a lawsuit filed by Hachette Book Group yesterday...
Raging Sea, by Michael Buckley

The horror in Michael Buckley's Undertow trilogy is largely evoked via ghastly migrant camps, bigoted politicians, and intense racism. These books should have been deliciously pulpy YA sci-fi/fantasy, but considering the current political climate, large portions of them feel uncomfortably realistic...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Raging Sea, by Michael Buckley

This week's Book Giveaway is Michael Buckley's Raging Sea, the second book in his Undertow trilogy. I gave the first book in the series a very positive review last year (good sign), but I find that I don't actually remember much of it (bad sign). I'm clearly going to need to refresh my memory, but my hopes for this middle installment are high...
Those suits seem a little impractical for cooking, though.

NPR recently posted an interesting look at the people behind the upcoming The Vatican Cookbook: 500 Years of Classic Recipes, Papal Tributes, and Exclusive Images of Life and Art at the Vatican, which will be published in English in April. While Polish nuns apparently do most of the day-to-day cooking at the Vatican, members...
Eh. Maybe.

According to Deadline, there's a 20-episode miniseries adaptation of Jonathan Franzen's 2015 novel Purity in the works. The series is set to star Daniel Craig, will be written and directed by Todd Field, and is currently being shopped around to cable networks and streaming services...
Source material

If you watched the recent BBC adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace, you might be interested in this recent Daily Mail article about some of the series' visuals...
Reforming a Rake: With This Ring, by Suzanne Enoch

Suzanne Enoch's Reforming a Rake: With This Ring is lazy, cynical, and as predictable as an Applebee's meal. It is also about 1000 times better than the last romance novel we reviewed, partly because Enoch is a far better writer and partly because when it comes to romance novels, I don't mind a little predictability...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Reforming a Rake: With This Ring, by Suzanne Enoch

This week's Book Giveaway is Suzanne Enoch's 2009 novel Reforming a Rake: With this Ring. After reading this, I find myself in need of a historical-romance palate cleanser, and Enoch is the kind of consistently amusing writer who can be depended upon to provide one...
Less Disney, more Angela Carter

I'm intrigued by this NPR review of Giambattisa Basile's 17th-century book of fairy stories The Tale of Tales, which was apparently recently adapted into an Italian/British/French film starring Salma Hayek. The subtitle of this particular edition...

I read with interest that author Sherrilyn Kenyon is suing author Cassandra Clare, accusing her of copyright and trademark infringement and false advertising. I have never read one of Kenyon's novels, and our (limited) coverage of Cassandra Clare has been...
The price is right

Harlequin Books is running a Valentine's Day special: they're offering a bunch of books recommended by the popular romance blogs Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, all...
Austen could only improve it.

Speaking of Shakespeare, I've been spending some time in Washington D.C., and the Metro is plastered with ads for the Folger Library's "The Wonder of Will: 400 Years of Shakespeare" celebration. The centerpiece of the event is, of course, the...
My favorite is his Richard III, but I don't want it on a t-shirt

Literature-inspired clothing line Out of Print has just released a pair of new designs featuring Milton Glaser's cover art for William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, and The Tempest...
Dreamer's Pool, by Juliet Marillier

When it comes to fantasy novels, I usually judge books on three categories: world-building, characterization, and adventure. Juliet Marillier's Dreamer's Pool features complex, sympathetic characters and an intriguing plot, although the world she has built is an odd blend of brutality and utopia...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Dreamer's Pool, by Juliet Marillier

This week's Book Giveaway is Dreamer's Pool, the first installment in the Blackthorn & Grim series by Juliet Marillier. That's not the kind of cover that usually floats my boat (I avoid any book that looks like the author might describe someone's eyes as "cerulean orbs"), but I've been deeply impressed by Ms. Marillier's books in the past, so my hopes are high...
To Lure a Proper Lady, by Ashlyn MacNamara

When I reviewed a previous Ashlyn MacNamara book, I gave her writing a lukewarm but honest endorsement. Unfortunately, her upcoming novel To Lure A Proper Lady is the kind of hot mess that undoes a lot of preexisting goodwill...
What about that car, though?

Additional, far more exciting TV news: according to Variety, NBC has given a formal pilot order for a TV update of Cruel Intentions. The potential series "picks up 15 years after the movie left off and...
It's cute, I guess.

Dramafever informs me that Warner Bros. has recently given Animate (Japan's largest retailer of anime, games, and manga) the exclusive rights to produce a wide range of anime-style Harry Potter merchandise...
Riverdale is... TWIN PEAKS

According to Variety, the CW has picked up the Riverdale pilot, based on the long-running (read: why won't it die?!?) Archie comic book series. The producer is apparently promising a "surprising and subversive take" on the material...
70s food images!

Brain Pickings recently featured a look at The Museum of Modern Art Artists' Cookbook, a 1977 gem co-written by Madeleine Conway and Nancy Kirk. The cookbook is a collection of thirty famous artists' "favorite recipes and reflections on food", and features contributions from celebrities ranging from Salvador Dalí to Andy Warhol...
A Darker Shade of Magic, by V.E. Schwab

V.E. Schwab's A Darker Shade of Magic is plastered with encomiums that make it sound like the second coming of Dune—it's described as “compulsively readable”, “ingeniously clever”, and “an exhilarating adventure”. This breathless enthusiasm struck me as distinctly overblown, but Schwab's story is undeniably thoughtful, imaginative, and action-packed...
Weekly Book Giveaway: A Darker Shade of Magic, by V.E. Schwab

This week's Book Giveaway is V.E. Schwab's A Darker Shade of Magic. It's giving off a distinctly UnLunDun vibe, but I'm hoping I will like it better (or at least that it will be less pretentious). A full review will follow later today...
At least it's creative.

And speaking of webtoons, this weekend I started reading Witch Workshop, the latest effort from Goong author So-Hee Park. (English-translated chapters are available here.) So far it's not as instantly charming as Goong, but it's worth reading for the magical curse besetting one of the main characters...
The Deal, The Mistake, and The Score, by Elle Kennedy

I recently read Elle Kennedy's The Deal, The Mistake, and The Score, a collection of fun, loosely-connected New Adult romances set in the college hockey world. In The Deal, aspiring singer Hannah Wells sets out to overcome a past trauma with some no-strings-attached sex with her new pal Garrett Graham, the captain of her school's championship-winning hockey team. In The Mistake, Garrett's teammate Logan...

I recently picked up a copy of Jane Mayer's nonfiction book Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. I love books about financial scandals, and this one is even juicier when you take into account the contents of this New York Times article, which...
Little House on the Prairie: the movie

THR recently posted an update on the upcoming Little House on the Prairie movie reboot: apparently, the project has moved from Sony to Paramount and they've hired Martha Marcy May Marlene filmmaker Sean Durkin to direct...
By Possession, by Madeline Hunter

On a recent trip to the beach, I picked up a battered copy of Madeline Hunter's 2000 novel By Possession from a Little Free Library. As longtime readers of the site know, I rarely read pre-Regency romance novels (I can't get fully invested in any sex scene when I'm wondering when the participants last bathed), but hey: I'd already finished the books I brought with me, and the price was right...