It's here!
Apr 30
Happy Walpurgisnacht, gentle readers! And happy Freinacht, gentle readers in Bavaria! Happy Valpurzina noc, gentle readers in the Czech Republic! And happy various-other-holidays-that-I-can-neither-spell-nor-pronounce, gentle readers in other countries in Eastern Europe! I hope you're all partying like it's 1999!

Although you should be careful--while naturally you'll enjoy celebrating a holiday with such a rich literary tradition, you might want to re-assure your neighbors that you're not Satanists (the Church of Satan was established on this date in 1966).

Although you should be careful--while naturally you'll enjoy celebrating a holiday with such a rich literary tradition, you might want to re-assure your neighbors that you're not Satanists (the Church of Satan was established on this date in 1966).
Posted by: Julianka
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