The Masked Truth, by Kelley Armstrong
Kelley Armstrong's standalone novel The Masked Truth is the YA version of the movie Speed: instantly absorbing, action-packed, and blessed with Grade-A chemistry between its two leads...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Masked Truth, by Kelley Armstrong

This week's Book Giveaway is Kelley Armstrong's The Masked Truth, which, if my eyes do not deceive me, is actually a standalone. This earns the book several points before I've even read it, because I don't have the patience to sit through another Armstrong series. Our review will follow later today...

This week's Fresh Air featured a lengthy interview with Bloom County author Berkeley Breathed, who recently revived the comic after a twenty-five-year-long hiatus...
Where there are re-releases, there's hope.

Jennifer Crusie fans take note: there is now an standalone e-book version of her holiday-themed 2006 novella Hot Toy, which we originally reviewed here. Last summer my hopes were raised when...
Library threats

There's a fun article over at Collectors Weekly about the lost art of the artist-designed bookplate. Bookplates are apparently highly collectible, and I've decided that I, like bookplate collector and expert Lew Jaffe, really need a collection of bookplates featuring people with severed heads...

While poking around a local bookstore, I finally had a chance to see Penguin's Classics Deluxe edition of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. The cover art is absolutely gorgeous, and I was immediately tempted to buy it... until I saw the price ($25! For a paperback!) and felt the weight (3 pounds! Also for a paperback!)...
Doctor Who: City of Death, by James Goss and Douglas Adams

Beyond coveting one of the character's trademark scarves, I've never been a Doctor Who fan. I am, however, a big Douglas Adams nerd, so when I was offered a novelization of the famous Doctor Who serial City of Death—written partially by Adams—I accepted it, my lack of Doctor Who knowledge be damned. This, my friends, is why God gave us Wikipedia...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Doctor Who: City of Death, by Douglas Adams and James Goss

This week's Book Giveaway is Doctor Who: City of Death, written by James Goss and based on the 1979 Doctor Who episode of the same name written by Douglas Adams. I'm not much of a Doctor Who fan, so I'll put up this review as soon as I dig myself out of a really deep Wikipedia hole...
Two thumbs up on the mustache, though

British TV nerds are aquiver: the trailer is out for the long-awaited Victorian Sherlock special. It looks pretty cheesy (particularly the bit about the hat), but...

And speaking of inexplicably popular schlock, Stephenie Meyer is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Twilight by releasing a 442-page "reimagining" of the novel called Life and Death. The book swaps the genders of the main characters (Bella now a boy named Beau; Edward Cullen is now Edythe), and...
How is this a thing?

If you're the kind of person who enjoys Nicholas Sparks novels... well, I am currently side-eyeing your life choices. But once you escape the pain of my judgmental stare, you can take comfort in the news that ABC and Sparks are currently teaming up on a sitcom inspired by Sparks's life...
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer, by Rick Riordan

If you've read any of Rick Riordan's books for young readers, you've pretty much already read Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer. It's funny, exciting, and comfortingly familiar—but it's a little stale, too...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer, by Rick Riordan

This week's Book Giveaway is the first book in Rick Riordan's new Norse mythology series, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: the Sword of Summer. (Riordan is not afraid of a cumbersome title, you guys.) I'm so excited about this story—between my well-documented rage over both the Thor movies and the well-written but utterly dour...
Not interested, regardless.

The first images are out for the upcoming Bridget Jones's Baby movie, which will not be based on the third Bridget Jones book, according to LaineyGossip. I'm assuming it could still fit within the novels' cannon...
Behind the times

In an impressively out-of-touch article for the Guardian, Imogen Russell Williams gushes over the "thrilling rise" of the YA anti-heroine, a phenomenon she seems to think is recent...
Dumb, New Zealand. Seriously.

As far as I can tell, New Zealand is still maintaining a nation-wide ban on Ted Dawe's YA novel Into the River, despite the fact that the whole thing makes them look incredibly toolish...
Murderous yuppies

I don't understand why this book has so much longevity, but Bret Easton Ellis's novel American Psycho lives again, this time in the form of a musical. According to THR, Benjamin Walker (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) will star as serial killer Patrick Bateman...
Devoted in Death, by J.D. Robb

Devoted in Death is the 41st installment of J.D. Robb's futuristic mystery/suspense “In Death” series, and—unsurprisingly—things are getting pretty damn stale. There are a couple of nice moments in this book, but 99% of it is the literary equivalent of a filler episode...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Devoted in Death, by J.D. Robb

This week's Book Giveaway is Devoted in Death, the most recent installment in J.D. Robb's looooong-running Eve Dallas series. A full review will follow later today, but thus far it's 40% entertaining, 60% torture porn. Not my favorite ratio...
Sci-fi smorgasbord

I'm not totally sure how this works, but the website StoryBundle is currently offering a Philip K. Dick Award Bundle, featuring 11 e-books by Philip K. Dick Award winners and finalists. The site runs on a pay-what-you-want basis, although if you go above $15 you also receive five bonus novels, including one by Wordcandy-approved author Sarah Zettel...

As a person who makes 100% of her alcohol purchases based on attractive packaging*, these are right up my alley: Publishers Weekly informs me that Harlequin Books has released a line of inexpensive wines (chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, and red) called "Vintages by Harlequin"...
At least release the music

According to THR, the Park Avenue Armory recently featured a week-long "visual art, electro-pop, and contemporary dance" program called Tree of Codes, inspired by Jonathan Safran Foer's novel of the same name...
Not exactly burning questions

According to THR, J.K. Rowling has released yet another Harry Potter short story on This installment promises to explain more about "the history of the Potter family, including its origins in the 12th century" and...
Maybe a nice teen comedy?

According to io9, Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams is going to star in an upcoming film adaptation of Carrie Ryan's The Forest of Hands and Teeth, which we reviewed (not super enthusiastically) in 2009...
The Hollow Boy, by Jonathan Stroud

I absolutely loved The Screaming Staircase and The Whispering Skull, the first two installments in Jonathan Stroud's horror/adventure series Lockwood & Co. The third book in the series is more problematic than the first two...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Screaming Staircase, by Jonathan Stroud

This week we're giving away a copy of The Screaming Staircase, the first book in Jonathan Stroud's Lockwood and Co. series. We reviewed this a couple of years ago...