Holiday Cheer From Kyohiko Azuma
In honor of our review of Azuma's Yotsuba&!, which just went up over on the main site, we thought we'd post a few holiday-themed strips from Azuma's earlier (and equally awesome) series, Azumanga ...
Yotsuba&! Vol. 1, by Kiyohiko Azuma

Nothing much happens in the first three volumes of Kiyohiko Azuma’s Yotsuba&!. The series features a preschool-age heroine with green hair, boundless energy, and a blissfully innocent attitude. Entire chapters are devoted to things like moving a TV, doing the laundry, or visiting a department store...
A meeting of the (negligible) minds...
Check it out- Paris Hilton, a woman that I consider to be an insult to actually talented celebrities everywhere, is holding a copy of Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls, a book that I conside...
But Wordcandy loves nonfiction readers, too.
A fascinating study of the long and ignominious history of election fraud, Andrew Gumbel's book Steal This Vote: Dirty Elections and the Rotten History of Democracy in America is an ideal choice f...
Wordcandy is particularly fond of kinky poetry from the 17th century...
A VALEDICTION FORBIDDING MOURNINGAs virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say,"Now his breath goes," and some say, "No." ...
Wordcandy-friendly Gift Shopping Advice for the Organizationally Impaired!
Still not finished with your holiday shopping? Running low on time and inspiration? We here at Wordcandy have assembled a list of ten book-related gift options, any one of which any book lover w...
The Lion, the Witch, and the Lord of the Rings rip-off
Based on previews alone, this movie would have won my vote for "Stupidest Literary Adaptation of 2005". However, I also hated the preview for the film version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of ...
Wordcandy loves poetry, even when it spits upon grammar conventions...
i like my body when it is with yourbody. It is so quite new a thing.Muscles better and nerves more.i like your body. i like what is does,i like its hows. i like to feel the spineof your body an...
The Nora Roberts Machine
This post was originally going to be a rant about how American book covers are so much less attractive than the covers offered overseas, complete with many telling examples... but, as usual, I got...
The Ladies of 'Harry Potter' Show Us What Not To Wear
You know who I blame for these oufits?Sienna Miller.She is the Dark Lord of high fashion, and all of the starlets of Western Europe have fallen under her ungodly spell.
Restoree, by Anne McCaffrey

According to Anne McCaffrey’s website, her first novel, 1967’s sci-fi/romance Restoree, was intended as “a protest against the absurd and unrealistic portrayals of women in sci-fi novels in the 50s and early 60s”...
Still going through a poetry phase...
"Three Laments"I.AlasI believeI might have becomea great writerbutthe chairsin the librarywere too hardII.I havethe upper handbut if I keep itI'll lose the circulationin one armIII.So here I am th...
Rumors and Blogs...
Okay... so I know that I promised to be back yesterday with news about our favorite authors but I kinda got sidetracked reading Jenny Crusie's and Meg Cabot's blogs. Jenny Crusie Ms. Crusie start...
Megan’s Bookshelf Update
I am way behind on my reading- the huge pile of books on my night stand is threatening to topple over and bury me in my sleep. I keep promising myself that I'll get started once the election insa...
Historic Reading Posters
Check out these historic reading posters available through Are they not awesome? If only I had a library to hang them in....
Time for a little Wordcandy-riffic poetry...
I am very bothered when I thinkof the bad things I have done in my life.Not least that time in the chemistry labwhen I held a pair of scissors by the bladesand played the handlesin the naked lilac...
Laurell K. Hamilton is at it again...
Today seems to be devoted to cover art! Some are great and some are like this beauty... well, it kind of speaks for itself. But really, Laurell, I know this series is slowly moving over to the e...
Fabulous New Cover from Meg!
Once again, we have an awesome cover from Meg Cabot! The book sounds interesting but I'd purchase it based on the cover alone.