New website
So, it looks like Meg Cabot has launched a new website layout...I am pretty sure I liked the site much better before this latest redesign. It had this fun, bubblegum pink look and feel to it. The ...
Wordcandy Book Snippet
Excerpt from:Helen Huddleson, by Amanda McKittrick RosWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:This was an author who was confident that her books would be admired for the next thousand years, a...
No cover art yet...
We don't have any cover art yet for the seventh Harry Potter book, but if you're a budding designer (or you just like to draw), then The Leaky Cauldron has a fun contest for you. In honor of the...
Flora Segunda, by Ysabeau S. Wilce

Ysabeau S. Wilce’s Flora Segunda: Being the Magickal Adventures of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), A House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dog is...
Lyra! Mrs. Coulter! Lord James Bond!
New Line has released a load of Golden Compass stills, and they look lovely:You can view the rest here and here.
My cat would love it.
I'm usually a big fan of West Elm's designs, but I'm not sure about this bookcase:It looks cool, but wouldn't stuff get knocked off? Still, it's only $149, and that's nothing to sneeze at, booksh...
Size 14 is Not Fat Either, by Meg Cabot

Size 14 Is Not Fat Either is the best series installment Meg Cabot has produced in years. It’s sunny-tempered (well, as sunny-tempered as a story featuring a beheaded cheerleader can be) and witty, and it does a great job of displaying Cabot’s gift for engaging characterization...
Fanfiction DOES pay--if you're really good at it.
These Three Remain, the final volume of Pamela Aidan's Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman series is newly available this week.This trilogy began as a Pride and Prejudice fanfic on the Republic of Pember...
2007: WOOT!
So here's the flip side of our "Best of 2006" list on the main site--the top ten things we're looking forward to in 2007. We're happy to report that there's a ton of stuff coming out over the nex...
...but why are they still in high school?
Viz Media is releasing the first volume of Vampire Knight, Matsuri Hino's beautiful, profoundly silly shojo manga about a high school that caters to both human and vampire students. (Seriously--w...
Possible release date...?
The Leaky Cauldron is reporting that there's a possible Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows release date of July 31, 2007. This information is based on a date provided by Baker and Taylor, a comp...
Mmm, cheese....
Last night, after countless hours of gifts, desserts, and relatives, it was time for Nathan, Meg, and me to meet up for our annual Christmas movie outing. This year we decided to see Eragon. We k...
Keep your chin up.
In honor of all the time we're about to spend with relatives, allow me to recommend the following Christmas-themed murder mystery:Georgette Heyer's Envious Casca will get you through this ordeal, ...
Book Seven's title is OUT.
And if you'd like to find out for yourself, you could go to Rowling's site, find the hidden game, PLAY the hidden game, and figure it out with nothing but your own mighty brain... or you could jus...
More Stardust pics...
Including one of Claire Danes, looking be-wigged (although that might just be a really unfortunate dye job):One of Michelle Pfeiffer and some goats, looking misty:And one of Sienna Miller and Char...
Nice lace, Danielle.
Apparently, Danielle Steel has her own perfume:She appears to be serving as her own spokesmodel, too. If you visit her website, you can see pictures of her posing in what appears to be a very pre...
Geek on, Seattle
The lovely city of Seattle has once again been ranked as the #1 most literate city in America. Apparently, this ranking is decided by newspaper circulation, the number of bookstores and libraries...
Inanimate Alice
There's an article in the Guardian about the creepy-yet-absorbing digital novel Inanimate Alice. If you've got access to a computer with decent speed, Inanimate Alice is well worth a visit--it's ...
Mistral's Kiss, by Laurell K. Hamilton

Laurell K. Hamilton’s most recent book, Mistral’s Kiss, the fifth title in the Meredith Gentry series, is better than I expected. It’s not as good as the first two installments in the series, but Mistral’s Kiss has some decent action scenes, ends on a tantalizing cliffhanger, and...
Wordcandy's Recommended Gift List, Part II
Behold: our latest and greatest gift suggestions, just in time for you to have to pay expedited shipping charges! (And last year's suggestions are still pretty awesome, if you're looking for even...
Romance novels? NIMBY.
You know, I didn't realize that romance novel readers didn't belong on the Metro when I was in DC a few months ago. I never would have guessed, either--those massive posters of the guy from Small...
If you're going to be in Cambridge today...
...then you NEED to go to Yule Ball 2006, featuring musical acts Harry and the Potters, Draco and the Malfoys, The Remus Lupins, and more!But if you can't make it to the Yule Ball, then head on ov...
It's Amanda McKittrick Ros Day!
Today, dear readers, is the day we honor Amanda McKittrick Ros, the Irish novelist and poet that some have called "the worst writer ever". That seems a little harsh (have they read Catherine Coul...
Pleasure for Pleasure, by Eloisa James

With her nods to Shakespeare, fondness for lofty literary quotations, and unsentimental dialogue, Eloisa James clearly wants to stand out from the bodice-ripper pack. Unfortunately, she seems less interested in coherent plot structure. Her most recent novel, Pleasure for Pleasure, isn’t totally unreadable, but it’s damn close...
More HP news...
This last Saturday's broadcast of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on ABC Family included several sneak peeks of the upcoming Order of the Phoenix movie. In case (like me) you don't regula...
It's the book world's answer to Netflix: for a nominal fee, (misnomer: it's cheap, not free) will send you any of their 88,000+ paperbacks and audiobooks, along with a self-addressed...