Borders trying the "everything but the kitchen sink" approach?
Publishers Weekly has done another post on the rumors surrounding the current state of the troubled Borders chain. According to their most recent information, some of the bookstores may be sold (...
And who doesn't love free nail polish?
If you're going to be in Southern California in early June, you might want to add the various promotional events for the Go Fug Yourself ladies' upcoming YA book Spoiled to your day planner. In a...
Someone has done a really, really good job mashing together last spring's Watchmen movie adaptation with the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon.
Wonder Woman: DOA?
Did David Kelley's oft-altered Wonder Woman reboot fail to make the cut at NBC? Variety thinks so. Too bad, because I hear the writers had toned down all the Ally McBeal-style fluttering and uppe...
Flight: Vol. 7, edited by Kazu Kibuishi

The seventh volume of Flight is another solid installment in Villard Books' series of lavishly illustrated graphic novel anthologies. These sixteen short stories—edited by contributor and art dir...
The sex symbols of tomorrow?
I suspect this is one of those trends that are 99% fabrication, but the Washington Post assures me that publishers are bracing for a "flurry" of Navy SEAL-themed romance novels inspired by the dea...
Just keep hitting that Refresh button...
Hopefully everyone had a chance to check out Google's homepage yesterday, which featured 16 different "Google Doodle" shout-outs to Roger Hargreaves, the creator of the icon Mr. Men and Little Mis...
Eat like a superhero
Whoa: somebody from the site Branded in the 80s dug up a copy of DC Comics' Super Heroes Super Healthy Cookbook, a mini cookbook that appeared in the July 1981 issue of Woman's Day. Doesn't the m...
Pride and Prejudice: A Musical
I'm told that the first production of the Pride and Prejudice musical in Washington State is currently running at a high school about an hour away from my house. I'm not sure I'll have a chance t...
Clearly, Jason Momoa isn't worried about typecasting.
The first full-length trailer for the 2011 remake of Conan the Barbarian came out yesterday, and I'm almost impressed by how silly it looks. I've watched this sucker twice, and I still see absolu...
Free Comic Book Day 2011
Mark your calendars, dear readers: this Saturday, May 7th, is Free Comic Book Day!
Who could eat one of the Wee Free Men?
Cake Wrecks celebrated last month's National Library Week with a collection of absolutely gorgeous book-inspired cakes, including Where the Wild Things Are, Alice in Wonderland, and Beatrix Potter...
The new-old version of Dorian Gray
The Barnes and Noble Review has posted an article about the recent re-release of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. Wilde's novella was originally published in a heavily-edited form in a m...
Doodling for a better planet
Publishers Weekly has an article up about the authors and illustrators involved in May 12th's National Doodle Day. Daniel Pinkwater, Neil Gaiman, Eric Carle, Mo Willems, and Jon Scizezka are amon...
Become Someone Else
Check out one of the posters from the "Become Someone Else" ad campaign for Mint Vinetu (a used book store in Lithuania), and admire the complete line of posters over at Buzzfeed. Pretty great, huh?
The Iron Thorn, by Caitlin Kittredge

The Iron Thorn might be Caitlin Kittredge's first book for young readers, but she's sticking to her roots. According to her author bio, she likes writing about "bad things [happening] to per...
After The Last Stand, there's nowhere to go but up, right?
I don't know why the full-length trailer for this summer's X-Men: First Class looks so low-budget (although it probably has something to do with January Jones's "diamond form" look), or when James...
Yes, it's real.
This came to our attention via the Horn Book Blog, and we're assured it's an actual book.
No consideration for my poor nerves
Alas, dear readers, I am not feeling optimistic about ANY of the books I have been patiently awaiting:Jennifer Crusie's Liz Danger series is allegedly still coming out this summer, but none of the...
Boys gone Wilde
Uh. So the cast of the current revival of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of being Earnest are promoting the show by doing Wilde-esque readings of Jersey Shore transcripts:...yep. That happened.
Eating Peter Rabbit
And the award for grossest-looking book tie-in I've seen for some time goes to these Peter Rabbit Gummy Candies, reviewed by the always-fascinating Candy Blog:They look repulsive, and that was bef...
AustenBlog informs me there's another Sense and Sensibility update in the works, this one apparently destined for TV Movie-of-the-Week status. The whole production looks pretty bad, but I was par...
I'm told this builds character.
As you all know, we here at Wordcandy love Kiyohiko Azuma's manga Yotsuba&! with the fire of a thousand suns. So imagine our chagrin when we discovered that the series' current U.S. publisher (Ye...
Getting out the vote
According to The Comics Beat, you can check out Jim Rugg and Brian Maruca’s Eisner Award-nominated comic book Afrodisiac for free. The book is currently between printings, so its publisher has po...
Forget the book; just judge the cover
Salon has an interview up with Penguin art director Paul Buckley, the man behind the recently-released Penguin 75, a collection of stories about the work that went into creating the 75 most memora...
Boys Over Flowers: NPR-approved
And speaking of NPR, their ongoing "You Must Read This" segment recently featured Yoko Kamio's manga Boys Over Flowers. It's not the best written piece they've ever produced (the pun in the title...
Note the relative sizes of the title and author name...
NPR has an interview up with Marcia Clark, the former Los Angeles deputy district attorney best known for her work on the O.J. Simpson trial. 15-plus years later, she has shifted her focus to fic...
The end of an era
GYAH. Manga-publishing pioneer Tokyopop has announced plans to close its US publishing division, effective May 31st. Tokyopop's film and TV development wing will remain open, and there's always ...
Are we thinking of the same book?
I made it most of the way through this Times article about plans to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Gone With the Wind, but I had to stop when one of the devoted fans described the novel's setti...