Fables on TV?
Zap2it is reporting that Bill Willingham's comic book series Fables has a pilot deal with ABC. The pilot will be written by Raven Metzner and Stu Zicherman (Six Degrees), and directed by Heroes' ...
The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

I’ve had a copy of Suzanne Collins’s novel The Hunger Games since September, but there are two reasons I’m just reviewing it now: one, I’m still recovering from the massive let-down that was ...
Contest winners
Our "Win a Wordcandy-approved Supernatural Romance" contest is now over, and e-mails have gone out to the winners. Please check your mail, participants, and keep checking back for news about our n...
For once...
I am happy to report that Nora Roberts's latest book (The Pagan Stone, the final book in her "Sign of Seven" trilogy) does NOT feature an obnoxiously smug heroine. This is quite an accomplishment ...
Scrapbooking through the ages
Salon is currently featuring an interview with Jessica Helfand, the author of the new book Scrapbooks: An American History. Ms. Helfand is a graphic designer and critic who teaches at Yale, and sh...
Catty, yet true.
The Go Fug Yourself ladies have written a snide (but delightfully accurate) post about Kristen Stewart, the star of Twilight, discussing what a wonderful ice-skating routine the series would make....
So wrong. So very, very wrong.
But also? So very funny. I saw this on Roger Sutton's Horn Book blog (he posted it under the heading "I am so going to hell"), and giggled straight though it:Slash fanfic authors, take heart!
What happened, Gurinder Chadha?
So, Gurinder Chadha's (Bend It Like Beckham) adaptation of Louise Rennison's Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging is apparently coming out on video NEXT WEEK in the U.K. What happened? Did it come out...
Life imitating art
English mystery geeks take note: today is December 3rd, the anniversary of Agatha Christie's disappearance in 1926. The cause of the novelist's 11-day-long disappearance has never been proven (peo...
Pick your poison: Watchmen or The Spirit?
Which glossy, violent, mildly pretentious-looking comic book adaptation tickles your fancy? This one? Or this?Neither? Both? I'm voting for Watchmen. I have yet to actually enjoy an Alan Moore ...
Oh, Forks...
I'm not sure what I'm more distressed by: the fact that the Twilight series has made such a difference in this tiny former logging town's fame and fortune (c'mon! Meyer didn't even visit before wr...
Contest news
Powell's Books is giving away a full, 20-volume set of the Oxford English Dictionary (something I have always dreamed of owning). Click here for details!
Borders keeps on trucking
In business news, Borders Books appears to be holding in there, despite some ugly returns in the third quarter and, of course, the across-the-board grim economic outlook. The company has cut expen...
Impossibly High Expectations: Jonathan Stroud edition
Early reviews are beginning to pop up for Jonathan Stroud's Heroes of the Valley (his first book since Ptolemy's Gate, the conclusion of Bartimaeus Trilogy, came out in 2006), and they're very pos...
Start saving those pennies now, fangirls!
Because who DOESN'T want a vaguely constipated-looking Edward Cullen action figure?Hee hee hee...Happy Thanksgiving, guys!
Lazy college-prep high schoolers, set your TIVOs.
PBS has posted their 2009 Masterpiece Classic Season schedule, featuring adaptations of novels by Thomas Hardy (ugh), Jane Austen, Emily Bronte (double ugh), and Charles Dickens (sometimes ugh). ...
Scanlation update
Just posted the latest chapter of Absolute Witch, for those of you who are following it!
Take advantage of six promo tours at once
Books of Wonder, New York City's oldest and largest independent children's bookstore, is hosting an reading/book signing/Q-and-A session event with six big-name YA authors tonight: Tamora Pierce, ...
Want to read L.J. Smith's first Night World book for free?
Then today's your lucky day, because Simon and Schuster are currently offering it as a free download on their site!Note: L.J. Smith came in second on our list of the Top Ten Books to Read INSTEAD ...
The full-length Coraline trailer is up...
...and frankly, it's something of a disappointment:It's not that it looks bad, exactly (although I still want to know why they went with American actors). But I think the original illustrator, lon...
Life After Oil, Part II
Remember our post on Luz, the webcomic about a girl living in a post-abundant-petroleum world? Well, if online comics aren't your thing, but you're still interested in literature about living in a...
Literature worth sitting on
I was poking around the web this morning, and I ran across this:Yes, dear readers, you're looking at a Raymond Chandler deck chair—but if you're not a Chandler fan, don't worry: they have several ...
Thanks again, Canada!
A (totally brilliant, obviously) British Columbia-area computer programmer has created an alternative to lorem ipsum: randomly-generated lines from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
New stuff from Susan Elizabeth Phillips coming down the pike
Wordcandy staff member Megan was sick yesterday, so in honor of her (hopefully brisk) recovery, we're doing a post about her favorite romance novelist, Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Ms. Phillips has T...
We've got movie news coming out of our ears.
Media blog Buzzsugar has posted a ton of literary film-adaptation news in the past few days:*Children's book illustrator Gris Grimly will be directing a movie adaptation of Pinocchio, based on a b...
Pricey! But also cool!
The new book-and-DVD set The New York Times: The Complete Front Pages might cost a whopping $60, but it looks totally awesome:More than 300 of the Times front pages have been reproduced in this bo...
New Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trailer up...
...and while my favorite HP trailer of all time remains the one for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (with the school choir clutching toads and singing "Something Wicked This Way Comes"), ...
Blue Bloods: the animated primer
If you're interested in reading our current Featured Book, Melissa de la Cruz's Blue Bloods 3: Revelations, but you're too broke to shell out for the first two installments in the series, she's pu...
Why, Kelley Armstrong? WHY?!?
I was so turned off by the cover art for Kelley Armstrong’s Personal Demon that I didn’t even feel like requesting a review copy, much less actually purchasing one. This is no reflection on Ms. Ar...
The Angels and Demons trailer is up...
Do we have any fans of overwrought fake religious revelations in the house? 'Cause the teaser trailer for the new Dan Brown movie is up: