Queen of Babble, by Meg Cabot
I try to avoid romance novels that feature heroines under the age of twenty-six*. There are a few books about people in their early twenties that are okay, but I prefer to read about people that have their heads on at least semi-straight before they make any major decisions about their life partners...
Traveling this summer?
I received this book a few years ago from Julia, right before I headed off to Italy for a few weeks. Italy is the kind of place where you can usually get by without knowing much of the language, b...
Odds and ends
Sorry about this post wandering all over the Wordcandy map, people...Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson have released Chew On This, a kid-friendly book exploring the same territory that Schlosser c...
Happy birthday, Margaret Wise Brown!
And thank you for Goodnight Moon.Apparently, the New York Public Library banned Goodnight Moon when it first came out, which just goes to show you that even super awesome librarians who work in su...
More from Hollywood.
Man, Hollywood has been going crazy for Wordcandy authors recently. (You have good taste, Hollywood. Too bad so many of your movies suck.) It was announced this week that Guillermo del Toro will b...
Fast Food Nation, Part II
Okay, I'm a little clearer on this Fast Food Nation movie. Here's the description from Salon.com:"Linklater's film (co-written with Schlosser) is an episodic docudrama about a large group of fict...
Aaaand in further movie news...
Huh. Apparently, Richard Linklater's film version of Eric Schlosser's excellent book Fast Food Nation is debuting at Cannes this year.Now, don't get me wrong here, but what? This isn't going to b...
Frankly, I am appalled.
While idly strolling through the Target book section the other day, I ran across this:Can you believe it? It's a tie-in novel for the soap opera As the World Turns! It's like one of those crappy ...
Wordcandy loves the poetry of William Carlos Williams
This Is Just to Say I have eatenthe plumsthat were inthe iceboxand which you were probablysavingfor breakfastForgive methey were deliciousso sweetand so cold -William Carlos Williams
Oh, God, ew!!!
One of my favorite childhood books has been made into a movie. The film version of Thomas Rockwell's "How to Eat Fried Worms" is due for release this summer. It's been a really long time since I r...
Books & Art Projects
For any of you who might be looking for a fun project to take on over the next week, might I suggest creating your very own Mexican Novella Love Shrine? I stumbled across this kit today, and since...
Be careful what you wish for.
It seems that J.K. Rowling made the mistake of mentioning that she had run out of paper while writing the final book in the Harry Potter series, which resulted in many "helpful" fans sending her l...
Inspirational Reading
Okay. We're really not Chicken Soup for the Soul people, but we understand that Mother's Day is the kind of day that frequently involves inspirational reading. So if you're in the market for some ...
Cover Art...
I know that I spend a lot of time blaming our authors for their books' bad cover art, even though it's not always their fault--maybe they've been forced into it, or maybe they're just cursed with ...
The White Mountains, by John Christopher

As post-apocalyptic visions of the future go, the world in John Christopher’s Tripod series isn’t so bad. In some ways, it’s almost idyllic—a world without war or famine, where people are comfortably assured of their own destiny. But there is one major downside: as soon as you turn fourteen, you’re sucked up into the belly of a three-legged, alien-controlled machine called a Tripod, and you’re not returned until a mind-controlling metal cap has been fused onto your skull...
The Patron Saints of Book Geeks
Well, hello, Saints Lawrence, Catherine of Alexandria, and Jerome...These, my friends, are the holy saints that Catholics like me pray to when we want to ask for something book-related. (Like, say...
Wordcandy weekly book snippet
Excerpt from:Second Sight, by Amanda QuickWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:A fun new book from Ms. Quick, filled with humor and interesting charactersIn this scene...Venetia is a talente...
When good manga...
...gets turned into a choose-your-own-romantic-adventure Gameboy Color(TM) game, this is the result:Not that I wouldn't play it. (In a hot minute, people.) Unfortunately, I hear it's a really te...
God loves me.
Aaaaaaand here's proof:This and lots of other fine Austen gear is available here.
Movie adaptation news
Aintitcoolnews.com is reporting that we can, er, "look forward" to upcoming film versions of Bram Stoker's Dracula and Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The Verne story will apparently b...
Wordcandy weekly book snippet
Excerpt from:The Boy Next Door, by Meg CabotWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:It's a romance novel told entirely through e-mail exchanges, and it's funny as all-git-out.In this scene...Th...