Apr 18
It was bound to happen, I suppose.

It was announced this week that Russell Crowe will be starring in an upcoming film version of Robert Cormier's novel Tenderness. Admittedly, Cormier is a gifted writer, and I've been asked why we haven't included him in Wordcandy. I would, but... well, I read Tenderness quite a while ago, but it's still lurking around in the back of my brain. (It's hanging out with all of the other freaky books that I've read and then wished that I hadn't, like Stephen King's IT and all three Hannibal Lecter stories.)
P.S. I won't be seeing this movie, either.

It was announced this week that Russell Crowe will be starring in an upcoming film version of Robert Cormier's novel Tenderness. Admittedly, Cormier is a gifted writer, and I've been asked why we haven't included him in Wordcandy. I would, but... well, I read Tenderness quite a while ago, but it's still lurking around in the back of my brain. (It's hanging out with all of the other freaky books that I've read and then wished that I hadn't, like Stephen King's IT and all three Hannibal Lecter stories.)
P.S. I won't be seeing this movie, either.
Posted by: Julianka
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