If money is no object...
...or you're just a really, really, really big Robert Crais fan*, you can buy a special limited edition copy of his upcoming novel The First Rule from The Mysterious Bookshop in New York. You can ...
When classics collide
I was listening to my local NPR affliate a few days ago and caught the tail end of an interview with Paul Constant, book editor for The Stranger. Mr. Constant was on KUOW to talk about three rece...
I. Am. Appalled.
No, seriously.I was poking around my local Barnes and Noble last night, and I ran across this:My first reaction was a snicker. I mean, thank goodness Emily Bronte's novel has finally been approved...
Nearly there...
Kelley Armstrong has posted the first three chapters of her upcoming young adult novel The Reckoning (the third and final book in her "Darkest Powers" trilogy) on her site. Interested parties sho...
Rampant, by Diana Peterfreund

The idea of carnivorous unicorns ranks pretty high on both the kitsch-o-meter and parody scale, but Diana Peterfreund's novel Rampant is neither. Instead, this surprising young adult book is...
Nothing but good times ahead
What's this? Why, it's the cover art and plot description for the upcoming "companion novel" to Carrie Ryan's zombies-and-evil-nuns extravaganza The Forest of Hands and Teeth! Behold:Gabry lives a...
James Patterson fans take note:
Yen Press announced their plans last week to adapt the first three novels in James Patterson's Daniel X series into a manga/manhwa-style trade paperback. Yen's adaptation will feature artwork by K...
Buffy lives again (some more)
There are semi-plausible rumors floating around that Joss Whedon's comic book version of the eighth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer might get turned into a web-based animated series. No idea ho...
The darker side of Ikea?
Salon recently posted a very interesting Spiegel article about a tell-all book by Johan Stenebo, a former Ikea bigwig with quite the axe to grind. Sadly, I don't read Swedish and I have no idea ho...
Killer unicorns
Megan has been nagging me to read Diana Peterfreund's Secret Society Girl books for about a year now, and I keep forgetting 'em when it comes time to read something that's not for the site. But th...
Seducing Atticus Finch
Even reading Lemondrop's list of the top 15 Literary Characters We'd Totally Sleep With makes me uncomfortable. I mean, where to begin? The fact that they picked Macbeth as their #2 jumpee, or t...
Kimi wa Petto 3.0
Turns out they're making a K-drama version of one of my favorite manga titles of all time, Yayoi Ogawa's Kimi wa Petto, and it's starring Kim Hyun-joong, the gorgeous but wooden musician-turned-ac...
So very, very wrong.
Oh, for the love of... Variety informs me that the Disney Channel is planning a Harriet the Spy made-for-TV movie. Unfortunately, they've made some changes: the new version has Harriet as "a movie...
Scholastic Book Fairs: the good, the bad, the ugly
A few weeks ago, my mother agreed to run a Scholastic Book Fair for a local school. Unfortunately, she forgot that she was going to be traveling for the first three days of the week-long-fair... w...
Books for girls
People are all up in arms over the fact that Publishers Weekly's "Best Books of 2009" list features no female authors. I'd care, but I'm too busy shaking my head over the fact that they've got "be...
Coming Soon
The book cover and publisher's description for The Inside Story, the eighth Sisters Grimm book, are out. Behold:"After the shocking ending of The Everafter War, this book picks up with Sabrina, Da...
Is nothing sacred anymore?
Yes, dear readers. They're really making a Berenstain Bears movie.Now I usually object to the idea of turning 30-page-long kid classics into 2-hour-long movies... but I have to admit it: I spent ...
Millie's Fling, by Jill Mansell

British author Jill Mansell never takes herself too seriously, and we here at Wordcandy are grateful for it. Her latest effort, Millie's Fling, is classic Mansell: sweet, sunny, and cheerful...
Et tu, Del Rey?
Following in the (already tired) footsteps of Quirk's Jane Austen/horror story mash-ups, Del Rey has made plans to publish a book called Little Women and Werewolves.Now, I'm not much of a Little W...
Sense and Sensibility wears Prada!
Is it wrong that I fully intend to see this movie? I mean, I spend all this time complaining about bad Austen adaptations, but I never seem to learn.
Nuttier than a fruitcake, but...
Slate writer Johann Hari recently wrote an article about two Ayn Rand biographies—Goddess of the Market by Jennifer Burns and Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne Heller. Despite describing the...
Out and about
The AP Wire recently posted a story about a dude named Walter Skold, an amateur poet and the founder of the Dead Poets Society of America. (Their tagline: "We dig dead poets... you dig?") Mr. Skol...
Inquiring minds
Is it just me, or have cookbooks gotten crazy expensive lately? Or were they always crazy expensive, and I just never bought cookbooks and therefore didn't notice? Because I was all set to buy a c...
I Sold Andy Warhol (Too Soon), by Richard Polsky

In early 2005, art dealer Richard Polsky decided to sell a small Andy Warhol "Fright Wig" painting for $375,000. The sale originally seemed like a success, but Polsky had misjudged his moment, bad...
How did I miss this? Apparently, TPTB aired an extended trailer for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland during the Spike Scream Awards, but I couldn't find a decent copy online and it turns out I ha...
Better than a naughty nurse, right?
Last year we made a list of last-minute, book-inspired Halloween costumes. Those are definitely still good options, but I ran across an even easier costume this year: dressing up as Sookie Stackho...
Would-be writers take note!
Any budding YA writers out there?If any of you are harboring dreams of becoming the Next Big Thing in young adult publishing, you need to check out NaNoWriMo.org's current contest: aspiring author...