Just a reminder...
Don't forget, gentle readers, this upcoming Saturday is Free Comic Book Day, which means you're going to want to shop early and shop often!Click here for more details--there's some good stuff this...
Books to inspire budding eco-geeks
Nonfiction books about the deterioration of the planet are great for inspiring nightmares about the melting polar ice caps, but the fiction aisle has something to offer, too. The following YA book...
Go Green: How To Build An Earth-Friendly Community, by Nancy H. Taylor

Nancy H. Taylor’s Go Green: How To Build an Earth-Friendly Community offers a concise, well-organized guide to a more sustainable lifestyle. Taylor examines everything from green building to loca...
Cooking for a Small Planet
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."-Albert EinsteinSome of us are vegetarians, some of us are flex...
Goin' Green
In honor of Earth Day tomorrow, the Wordcandy Staff is devoting this week to reviewing the coolest, most Earth-friendly books--everything from memoirs to cookbooks to straight-up fiction.We're kic...
A Church of Her Own: What Happens When a Woman Takes the Pulpit, by Sarah Sentilles

While women have been ordained by the Episcopal Church for decades, female clergy still struggle to achieve equality with their male counterparts. Armed with a master of divinity degree from Harva...
Churchill's Triumph: A Novel of Betrayal, by Michael Dobbs

Churchill’s Triumph, the fourth and final novel in Michael Dobbs's Churchill series, further explores the unique talents and historical legacy of Winston Churchill. The book takes place over the eight days at Yalta, as three world leaders (Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt) attempt to find the light at the end of the World War II tunnel...
Succubus in the City, by Nina Harper

Welcome to part two of our paranormal romance series, featuring reviews of the second installment of a young adult vampire series and a book about the exciting lives of New York succubae...
50 Ways to Hex Your Lover, by Linda Wisdom

We’ve received a number of supernatural romance novels recently, featuring everything from witches to succubae to cat-people from space, so we’ll be posting four reviews over the next two days. Ke...
Death and Taxes
I don't have much time today (I have to go pay my taxes, and something tells me that will involve waiting in a long, boring line), so I'm just posting a quick Tax Day book rec:Before her death in ...
The Penderwicks on Gardam Street, by Jeanne Birdsall

Jeanne Birdsall’s National Book Award-winning novel The Penderwicks, the story of four sisters' summertime adventure at a Massachusetts estate, is the literary equivalent of Disney’s Celebrat...
Where is the chihuahua?
My mother doesn't even like the title of this book (and I'm sure she's dreaded the time when I'm actually reading it, as I have a bad habit--inherited from her, by the way--of sharing every revolt...
Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro
I'm really enjoying the anime version of Yūsei Matsui's manga series Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro. It's gory, and violent, and the artwork is totally creepy, and it only makes sense about every third...
Most of my paperbacks are too worn for this, but...
Meg sent me this book storage idea:[From ApartmentTherapy.com]The books are secured to the door with a contraption called a Sticklebook, and you can order one of your very own for around $30 (USD)...
Peace, Part II
Below is an excerpt from Barry Miles's Peace: 50 Years of Protest, reprinted with permission. Click here for our review of Mr. Miles's book."In the new century the peace symbol has been evident w...
Sakura-Con 2008: The event itself...
I recently attended the first day of Sakura-Con 2008, a festival celebrating anime and manga held March 28th through the 30th at Seattle's Washington State Convention & Trade Center.If there's a s...
Blue-Eyed Devil, by Lisa Kleypas

Lisa Kleypas has just released Blue-Eyed Devil, the highly anticipated sequel to her first contemporary romance release, 2007’s Sugar Daddy. As with Sugar Daddy, Blue Eyed-Devil features a few eyebrow-raising plot and characterization decisions, but the final product is romantic drama at its best...
The fine people at Wiley Books (the publishers of the For Dummies books) have recently released manga-style editions of some of Shakespeare's best-known plays:I fell into conversation with a Latin...
Now with pictures
Publishers Weekly recently interviewed fantasy author Terry Brooks, asking him several questions about his latest release, Dark Wraith of Shannara. Dark Wraith is the first book in Brooks's Shanna...
The Once and Future Sweet Valley High
I would like to think that this is an April Fools' joke, but, sadly, it's still March.With typical elegance and restraint, Gawker is reporting that the Sweet Valley High books have been updated. (...
Sakura-Con 2008
Forgive the short blog post today, dear readers, but I'm heading to Sakura-Con, the big Northwest anime/manga convention. So if any of you happen to be attending, and you see a tall, confused-loo...
Upward Spiral
When Mary Street’s The Confession of Fitzwilliam Darcy was first published in the U.K. in 1999, it looked like this:Now, almost ten years later, it is finally being published in the United States....
Downward spiral
We're a little behind on the calendar, so I was surprised to learn that Kelley Armstrong's new book Personal Demon is already out... and I was even more surprised to learn that this is the cover:A...
I will undoubtedly regret watching this, but at least it's free.
PBS's The Complete Jane Austen is concluding with the only Austen adaptation I haven't already watched on YouTube: the 2008 TV miniseries version of Sense and Sensibility, adapted by screenwriter ...
ADV falls off the wagon (again)
We're hearing distressing rumors that ADV is once again in financial difficulties, which means that we'll have to wait even longer to get our hands on the sixth volume of Yotsuba&!. The original ...