Ew! But also funny!
Salon has very kindly put together a slideshow round-up of the "10 Most Baffling Twilight Products". They range from G-rated weirdness (like the Edward-shaped body pillow) to other, less SFW opti...
eBooks just aren't the same.
Okay, I love these: Penguin Books has recently released a line called "Penguin Ink", which features six modern classics repackaged with new cover art designed by tattoo artists/illustrators. Jus...
Losing resources left and right
According to this terribly depressing article, the American Association of School Administrators is projecting that 19% of the nation's school districts will have fewer librarians next year, and 1...
Now that all is quiet on the Harry Potter front...
Diminutive Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe certainly dreams big, doesn't he? He has signed on to star in an upcoming film adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front. ...
Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things, by Randy O. Frost and Gail Steketee

I cannot stand TV shows about hoarding. I am fascinated by the subject, but my limited experience with hoarders has convinced me that hoarding is an incredibly persistent condition that is diffic...
Maybe if it's good enough, I'll begin to consider forgiving them for that movie.
Well, this is just all kinds of awesome. Hyperion has posted the book cover, release date, and plot summary for the first book in Rick Riordan's "Heroes of Olympus" series. Behold The Lost Hero,...
Waste of a perfectly good YA series...
Gyah. The dread Miley Cyrus has apparently signed on to star in the upcoming movie adaptation of Lisa McMann's Wake. I'm torn on this one: I liked the book, but I'm not convinced it will transl...
Gimmicky and overpriced
I am voting "no" on the romance-novel inspired gloss made by Three Custom Color Specialists. I like romance novels and I like lipgloss, but A) I've never read anything by author Brenda Novak, B) ...
Yeah... I think not.
Yearning for an "artistic" sci-fi film about human clones being raised as organ donors, enjoying a few totally depressing romantic liaisons, and then dying early deaths? You're in luck! The trai...
We approve.
As longtime readers of the site know, I love reading about frugality. Sadly, Wordcandy hardly ever receives books on this subject, which means I have to either wait patiently for library copies o...
Something to (maybe) look forward to
Whoa: I've been wading through the descriptions of the "favorite fall teen reads" from a panel of big-name YA editors at the BookExpo of America. Their picks include:Infinite Days, by debut autho...
Deliciousness ahoy
I knew Publishers Weekly reviewed cookbooks, but I didn't realize they featured recipes, too—particularly not recipes with names like "Kate's Impossibly Fudgy Brownies with Chili and Sea Salt" (fr...
A happy combination
If you're interested in Janet Evanovich's upcoming graphic novel Troublemaker (a continuation of her Alex Barnaby series), you should check out the—mildly NSFW!—Etsy Shop of Joëlle Jones, the illu...
Looking forward to it
Eoin Colfer has apparently written his first independent novel for adults. (We're discounting And Another Thing..., his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sequel.) Colfer's upcoming book Plugged i...
Just like The Firm, but rated G, and set twenty years later...
Okay, I'd heard of this novel, but with a title like Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer I seriously thought it was a joke. But it turns out that A) it's a real book (international best-seller John Grisha...
Okay, I admit it.
Much as I hate these monster/classic book hybrids, this cover did make me laugh.
Let down your standards
I was really irritated when I first heard about Disney's decision to tweak their upcoming movie version of Rapunzel in order to attract more boy viewers. There's already a serious lack of girl-fr...
Pride and Prejudice and footnotes
Okay, it's not the annotated Pride and Prejudice of my dreams, but DK Publishing's "Illustrated Classics" edition is still pretty great. Each book contains the original, unabridged text, and feat...
A fine birthday tradition
Author Kat Richardson decided to celebrate her May 22nd birthday by giving her fans a present: a previously unpublished Harper Blaine short story, available here. Here's hoping Ms. Richardson had...
Nothing says "summer" like overblown Czech prose
I just don't know about your list of the top 60 books to read this summer, Los Angeles Times. I mean, I'm with you on the Daniel Pinkwater and Meg Cabot and China Miéville releases, but a bunch o...
The School of Possibilities, by Seita Parkkola

The School of Possibilities is the English translation of Seita Parkkola's award-winning novel Viima, originally published in Finland in 2006. While the book isn't perfect, it is an unusua...
There's a fine line between "sweet" and "totally hokey"
Well, the trailer is out for the movie adaptation of my beloved Flipped, and I'm really not feeling it. The book was wholesome, sure, but this looks like a non-ironic version of Pleasantville wit...
I'm not gonna lie; I will probably watch this.
I have this 14-year-old family friend who only seems to enjoy books featuring preternaturally good-looking people dying horrible deaths. She's a big fan of the "Pretty Little Liars" series by Sar...
Kids + books = recipe for success?
Laura Miller wrote an essay for Salon about two recent studies that link the mere presence of books in a child's home with the number of years of education the child will complete. The first stud...
Odd pairing
I'm not sure why a Portland independent bookstore is celebrating Dairy Month, but celebrating it they are... so if you're in the market for a book about milk, cheese, cows, or goats be sure to che...