All prettied up
Dude, they've repackaged Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy-Tacy books for adults!Actually, I don't know if they've done the whole series or just the titles featuring Betsy in her teen years and later, bu...
A manga in the hand...
If you don't like reading manga online, the paperback copy of the first volume of Rin-ne, the latest work from Rumiko Takahashi, will be out on October 20th. I've really been enjoying this series...
Girls on skates
If you've got anywhere between nine and thirteen dollars burning a hole in your pocket this evening (depending on how outrageously expensive your local movie theater is), you might check out Whip ...
Here's hoping they invest in better CGI than the New Moon producers
We've had a review copy of Maggie Stiefvater's novel Shiver floating around Wordcandy HQ for a few months now*, so I was interested to see that it's been picked up by the producers of the Lord of ...
Want to win a copy of The Other Mr. Darcy?
Then brush up on your Austen trivia, because Sourcebooks is having a contest to celebrate the release of Monica Fairview's new novel The Other Mr. Darcy. Beginning today, Ms. Fairview's blog will ...
Stephen King takes over the airwaves... again.
Yet another Stephen King book will be hitting the small screen--in this case, his novella The Colorado Kid is being turned into an hourlong TV series called Haven.According to Variety, "the projec...
A. S. Byatt returns
Hey, check it out--A. S. Byatt has written her first full-length novel in years, and it's due out next week:Beautiful cover, sure-to-be depressing subject matter... aw, we've missed you, A.S. Byatt!
The more the merrier?
Oh, look. Another book about Elizabeth worrying that she has lost Mr. Darcy to the charms of another. Just what the world needs!Five bucks says the central plot twist of this Pride and Prejudice c...
Minor points
Before I get to the complaining, let me first state that I am sincerely delighted Yen Press has picked up the license for Yotsuba&!, which is one of our all-time favorite series. Thanks, Yen Press...
At long last...
Wasn't M.T. Anderson promising to release this over a year ago?We'd say better late than never... but this is VERY LATE, MR. ANDERSON.Note: Also, what is up with burying Jasper Dash and The Flame-...
Baking Bites goes big-time
Nicole Weston, whose Baking Bites blog has been destroying diets since 2004, has decided to release a cookbook. The book is self-published and will ship in late October. It contains 51 recipes, ...
If at first you don't succeed...
Since Jennifer's Body tanked at the box office, Diablo Cody has apparently decided to inflict her (highly questionable) talent for creating teen-girl dialogue on a very different style of story: s...
Highs and lows
Slate has set out to answer a question I've been wondering about myself: what's with all the recent articles proclaiming vampires some kind of "new craze"? Haven't they been a consistent craze? (T...
Trompe l'oeil
I don't know about this, dear readers:Sure, I like books... but I also like cereal, and I wouldn't paint a mural of that on my garage, either.[Via the Los Angeles Times]
A gift from Lisa Kleypas
(Is it just me, or has Lisa Kleypas's website gotten more tasteful again? Man, don't you guys miss it back when it looked like this? Good times...)Anyway, if you take a gander at Ms. Kleypas's s...
Grossly unfair
Speaking of upcoming book releases, there seem to be a huge number of Wordcandy books coming out this fall/winter, many of which come as a pleasant surprise (and an overdue reminder that we need t...
Fantasy revival
Heeeeey, they've finally reprinted L.J. Smith's Dark Visions series! I'm sure I can thank the success of the CW's cheese-tastic Vampire Diaries for this, and it raises a more important question: i...
A literary take on San Francisco
Apartment Therapy wrote a post last week featuring the following print:This image of San Francisco was commissioned by the San Francisco Chronicle. Artist Ian Huebert borrowed literary quotes from...
The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones, by Rick Riordan

Note: The following review is based upon the first five books in this series. Should we object to the contents of the remaining five books, we reserve the right to rain fire upon the heads of all...
How did I miss this?
Sisters Grimm author Michael Buckley has a new series coming out soon, and by "soon" I mean ON TUESDAY!!! I'm not sure how this slid past my radar, but check it out:Admittedly, Amazon has Buckley...
But when will they give us a manga version of Gossip Girl?
Yen Press has announced plans to publish a manga adaptation of the first book in Lisi Harrison’s massively popular series The Clique. Yen's adaptation will be released next July and is being illus...
Mr. Keillor gets back to work
Garrison Keillor has written an essay for Salonabout his recent stroke. It gets a little political at the end (which I wouldn't object to, but his comments feel weirdly tacked-on), and he goes on...
Mutating Austen: a how-to guide
Slate is currently featuring an essay called "How I wrote Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters", by Quirk Books author Ben H. Winters. I'm still not paying to read his book, but I have to give t...
Well, if people went to see a love story set on the Titanic, why not?
But if you like your movies sob-inducing, feel free to check out Bright Star, a biopic about the love affair of poet John Keats and the young woman who lived next door to him. Not to spoil things...
A Christmas Carol gets (even more) cartoonish
I'm sorry, Jim Carrey, but I don't like watching old people fall and get hurt. Not even cartoon old people. I only find slapstick funny when the participants are practically made of rubber, and I...
People Who Died
The Times has a nice obit up for Jim Carroll, poet, musician, and The Basketball Diaries author, who died on Friday at his home in Manhattan at age 60. Rest in peace, Mr. Carroll.
Home decorating for book geeks
By the end of the month, I'm hoping to have realized a life-long dream: a real, grown-up library. After spending the past year remodeling my house, I finally have the space... but, sadly, my libra...