Cover art presumptive
Check out the cover art for the paperback edition of Annette Curtis Klause's Freaks: Alive on the Inside:Isn't it beautiful? I'm pretty sure that's the same artist that does Bill Willingham's Fab...
The Oxford University Press is offering the full 20-volume set of the Oxford English Dictionary for a mere $895!!! Anyone who's ever used the OED at their university library knows what a marvelous...
Well, here's the cover for volume five.
I really don't want to have to try to translate Yotsuba&! volume five myself. My two semesters of college Japanese didn't exactly leave me fluent (although they did leave me speaking my equally b...
Britney's Book Club
Check it out--proof positive that even celebrities are forced to read depressing, melodramatic Great Works. It's a page from Britney Spears' junior high-era essay on Antigone, up for auction at C...
Austen news
Since we're talking about Austen on the main site anyway, we might as well unload all the news at once. Behold: pictures of the upcoming versions of Persuasion and Mansfield Park:Anne--->Fanny (lo...
He'll get my $8.75.
Although just last week there were rumors to the contrary*, now we're hearing that Peter Jackson will be directing the film version of The Hobbit, although the film won't be made by New Line. Con...
It's not the lack of girl-friendly comics, it's the lack of girl-friendly comic stores.
The New York Times has an article up about DC's upcoming "Minx" imprint, due to be unleashed next May. Minx will be a line of graphic novels (seven titles are planned for release in 2007) aimed a...
Nothing says "class" like a little zebra print.
While visiting the Neiman Marcus website, admiring the (still massively, massively overpriced) clearance items, I ran across this "Pemberly Manor" bed linens set, priced at the, um, very reasonab...
Like you're going to do something better with that six bucks.
Powell's Bookstore in Portland, Oregon has embarked on their second Schoolbook Challenge. For each $5.95 "book pledge" contribution, good for one paperback book, Powell's will donate TEN books to ...
More preview action
Well, I'm trying to be all adult and mature about this, so I can only say this: the newest Harry Potter trailer looks totally awesome. (That's me being restrained.) The last shot's a little giggle...
Clear your shelves.
I know that there are loads of charities out there at this time of year that need your support, but not all of them are willing to take your gently used paperbacks off of your hands. If you're loo...
I'm pretty sure that Barry wouldn't approve.
Wow: turns out there's a musical version of Nick Hornby's book High Fidelity, coming soon to Broadway. (Clearly, one mediocre movie adaptation wasn't enough; this was a story that was crying out f...
Wordcandy loves Mr. Blake
If you're in the market for a little Wordcandy-approved, kid-friendly, TOTALLY FREE artwork, download this "Rights of the Reader" poster, illustrated by longtime Roald Dahl collaborator Quentin Blake.
The Deception of the Emerald Ring, by Lauren Willig

Apparently, Penguin has a tagline for author Lauren Willig: “Lawyer by day, romance novelist by night”. The press release that they sent out with the latest installment in her swashbuckling...
Preview of a preview
Well... it isn't the full trailer, but it's almost ten seconds' worth of Harry Potter goodness that you don't need to buy tickets to Happy Feet to experience. Click here to enjoy!Note: I'm sorry,...
A bit more...
Actually, it turns out there's some Harry Potter merchandise I wouldn't mind owning! Who knew? I really like some of the t-shirts available through the Warners Bro. online store. This one's my fav...
Harry Potter odds and ends
Warner Bros. has released this set of five Hogwarts-themed Christmas ornaments, retailing for a mere (HAH!) $55. (For those of you doing the math, that's approximately two-thirds of a Goong Box Se...
Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall, by Bill Willingham

I always encourage comic book-wary female readers to try Bill Willingham’s Fables. Not only is it unquestionably a story for grown-ups, it’s one of the few American comics I've encountered that boasts a truly involving romantic storyline. I love almost everything about this series—except for the internal artwork, which has consistently been competent but pedestrian...
James Tiptree, Jr. has an interview up with Julie Phillips, available here. Ms. Phillips is the author of a new biography of sci-fi writer James Tiptree, Jr., who was in real life a woman named Alice B. She...
Food geeks take note:
If you're going to be anywhere near the Beaverton location of Powell's Books (the world's best bookstores) on November 29th, you can pick up a signed edition of The America's Test Kitchen Family C...
Oh, the humanity.
Nobody could be more excited than I was about Lisa Kleypas's upcoming contemporary romance novel, Sugar Daddy. Sure, I was a little taken aback by the title, but still: Lisa Kleypas. She's, like, ...
Wordcandy Weekly Book Snippet
Excerpt from: Hot Toy, by Jennifer Crusie, found in the collection Santa, BabyWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:Because Jennifer Crusie's Christmas novella (if not the other two entries i...