And speaking of Harry Potter, has anybody seen these dolls? (More importantly, has anybody been murdered by one of these dolls?) Because, seriously, they scare the crap out of me:Hey, you may mo...
The List: A Love Story in 781 Chapters, by Aneva Stout

Gimmick books—miniature books, books that come with soundtracks, books cut into weird shapes—usually leave me cold. But I really enjoyed Aneva Stout’s The List: a Love Story in 781 Chapters. Sur...
Mark your calendars...
...because we're just about two weeks away from Lumos 2006: A Harry Potter Symposium! According to the schedule, there will be classes on a variety of topics, from the more high-minded ("Parameter...
'Alice in Wonderland' Couture
I never realized how many of the, er, lesser filaments of the couture world had been inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Check out these little treasures from the Disney Couture (no, I'm not joking--...
Wordcandy Weekly Book Snippet
Excerpt from: The Thin Man, by Dashiell HammetWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:Because the dialogue, the mystery, and the characters are all awesome--sure, there's all that drinking (the...
Watch out, Harry!
It seems that Ms. Rowling caused quite a stir during her interview last week, where she stated that two "main characters" won't survive the last book and dropped hints that one of them might be Ha...
What To Eat, by Marion Nestle

Wordcandy doesn’t review much nonfiction. It’s not that we have anything against nonfiction. It's just that the nonfiction books we tend to read (and then pass along to each other, because, hey, misery loves company) are frequently depressing, and none of us want to linger over the subjects in question—global warming, voter fraud, the contents of a McDonalds hamburger—long enough to write a halfway decent review...
Wordcandy loves nonfiction
In honor(?) of Ken Lay's unexpected death, we'd like to recommend the excellent non-fiction title The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron, by Bethany McLean an...
"The Golden Compass" news, part two
So, here's what the Imdb had to say about the new The Golden Compass film adaptation:-Writer Philip Pullman wants Nicole Kidman to play Mrs. Coulter and has indicated that he would like Jason Isaa...
Wordcandy (hearts) librarians...
...but not as much as Jen Wolfe does. Please take the time to check out Ms. Wolfe's awesome online tribute to librarians, which includes a Miscellaneous Librariana page, featuring snippets of boo...
And speaking of movies...
...guess what's freshly out on DVD? That's right: the special-edition version of Valley of the Dolls (proud holder of the number 5 spot on our Wordcandy List of Unreadable Books). Avoid this one a...
The Devil Wears Prada
Somehow I never got around to reading this book, although I'm not sure why--it seems like the kind of thing that would be right up my alley. Anyway, while the majority of movie-goers will be watc...
*cue fangirl-ish squee-ing*
THEY'RE GONNA START FILMING THE HIS DARK MATERIALS TRILOGY IN SEPTEMBER!!!!!Actually, I'm really nervous about this one. Dollars to donuts, it'll end up being a The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardr...
More Harlequin/Dark Horse
I stopped by the bookstore last night, and considered picking up these charming new releases:Happily for my bank balance, I resisted. So far, all of these Dark Horse/Harlequin manga fusions have b...
Long weekend = lots of reading time!
Whether you are heading off on vacation or just hanging by the pool this four-day weekend, here are a few new book suggestions to check out.Jennifer Colt - The Mangler of Malibu CanyonIf you have...
At least this one won't have Arnold in it, right?
Brace yourselves, gentle readers: Warner Bros. is re-making Conan the Barbarian. I know! I couldn't believe it either, but it's true: apparently, the world wasn't satisfied with one mindblowingly...
J.K. Rowling gives interview, implies much, says nothing.
At left: Harry Potter and the Eyebrows of Doom. Nice wind machine, kids!So, J. K. Rowling has given another interview full of hints that Harry won't survive the seventh book. To which we can only...
Wordcandy Weekly Book Snippet
Excerpt from: Seven Up, by Janet EvanovichWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:Nobody does inspired lunacy like Janet Evanovich. Her Stephanie Plum series can be a little uneven (and I usual...
Seeing Ear Theatre
We here at Wordcandy were extremely stoked to discover the Sci-fi Channel's Seeing Ear Theatre, an online archive of radio-play versions of stories by authors like Neil Gaiman, Lewis Carroll, and ...
Harper Lee!
Sandra Bullock has been cast to play Harper Lee in an upcoming biopic. Well, as bizarre Hollywood casting goes, it could have been much worse.
Save the Date...
We still do not have a date or title for the final installment of the Harry Potter series (although rumor has it that the book will be released in 2007), but we can now mark the release date for t...
Buck up, little Emma!
Why does that Hermione actress always look so angry (not to mention boozy) in pictures?I guess Warner Bros (they make the Harry Potter movies, right?) must not make their actors sign one of those ...