Thanks to the wonderfully informative Austenblog, I am now aware of TWO October Austen theater adaptations. The first is a musical (!!!) version of Emma, which is currently playing in New York. A...
Support your local mystery writer: buy a brick.
The Edgar Allan Poe Museum's online store is selling bricks from Poe's last standing house, which was demolished in Manhattan last year. Each brick costs about $70, and is individually numbered, f...
Nutjobs on parade
The Washington Post is reporting that a mother of four in Gwinnett County, Georgia, is seeking to have the Harry Potter books banned from the county's school libraries, claiming that the books pr...
Ready for a little grave-spinning, Miss Austen?
Apparently, there are upcoming film versions of Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Mansfield Park in the works.Thought #1: YAY!Thought #2: This version of Mansfield better be a hell of a lot better...
Wintersmith, by Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett’s third Tiffany Aching book, Wintersmith, has problems. It’s not as uproariously funny as the previous two installments, and both the main plot and the villain are emotionally underwhelming. The book’s dreamlike atmosphere works in a few places, but Pratchett’s constant shifting from humor to pathos to action makes the story’s climax fall a little flat...
I finally got around to watching Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean's movie MirrorMask last night, and it was pretty good! I put off watching it for ages because (and I'm sorry to say it, but it's true) ...
Money burning a hole in your pocket?
Then we suggest that you check out some of these Wordcandy-approved manga titles. Unlike a lot of the manga we recommend, all of these stories are still in their infancy, English-language publicat...
Nora Roberts churns 'em out
The book covers and descriptions of the final two books in Nora Roberts's Circle Trilogy are up. Dance of the Gods is due out October 3rd, and Valley of Silence is due out October 31st. The descr...
One more shot...
The rest of the recent batch of Harry Potter promo stills didn't particularly interest me, but I thought I would share this last picture:Man, everybody looks so grown up! Also... mad as hell, for ...
The United States of Arugula: How We Became a Gourmet Nation, by David Kamp

David Kamp’s The United States of Arugula: How We Became a Gourmet Nation is a sprawling, gossipy account of some of America’s most influential post-World War II culinary icons. It doesn’t fully deliver the explanation promised by its subtitle (although I doubt that any single book could), but it works beautifully as a human-interest story, dipping into the careers of everyone from Alice Waters to Emeril Lagasse...
Check out that poncho!
So, the first stills from the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie have been released, and I am pleased to announce that the windblown Monkees shag appears to be a thing of the...
God bless Jim Henson.
I love the movie Labyrinth. You'd have to be nuts not to, in my opinion. A) It has David Bowie in it, playing a role that would have destroyed the career of any other man, B) it has inspired loa...
Book seven news
Well, according to this, J. K. Rowling is only half-finished with the final Harry Potter novel, which means that our dream* of one day being famous enough to merit an advance reader copy of a Pott...
Wordcandy Weekly Book Snippet
Excerpt from: Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, by Roald DahlWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:It's just as nasty as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but even weirder!In this scene....
Delicious Library
Well, I am finally back from my month-long moving/starting school-related absence. I am all moved in (thanks to Julia & Nathan), and I have survived my first two weeks at college. Sadly, the more ...
Wordcandy loves cheap books
For those of you that like to get your Christmas shopping done early, we encourage you to start investigating the clearance sections of online booksellers. It takes a little searching, but you can...
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, by Marina Lewycka

The original cover of Marina Lewycka’s novel A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian was extremely tasteful. The background is a lovely grayish blue, and there’s a yellow border running down the edge, dec...
More from Hollywood
Hollywood is having another Wordcandy author lovefest! The new Eragon trailer is out, and it looks like it will be one of the big holiday films.
Movie Update: Fast Food Nation
So, last time we checked, we had a few pictures of this ill-fated project. But guess what, kids: today we have the trailer. Enjoy!
James Bond: The PG version
I've heard some surprisingly positive stuff about the new "Young James Bond" series by Charlie Higson. Still, I can't imagine how these books would work--James Bond novels are all about the sex, g...
Fanfic writers, take note.
The Harry Potter Lexicon, the go-to website for all true Harry Potter geeks, now features a Timeline of the Wizarding World. The timeline features hundreds of events in Wizarding history, ranging ...
Wordcandy loves Christmas books at Halloween
Jennifer Crusie has an all-new novella coming out on October 31st. It's called Hot Toy, and it's part of the collection Santa, Baby (which will also feature novellas by Lori Foster and Carly Phil...
There and Back Again
Aintitcoolnews posted an article this morning about MGM's desire to make a film version of The Hobbit, to be directed by Peter Jackson. Unfortunately, Jackson says that no one has spoken to him ab...
More Austen must-owns!
Along with the doll featured below, all true Jane Austen geeks are going to want to rush out and buy The Jane Austen Cookbook, by Maggie Black and Deirdre Le Faye. Written by a food historian and...
Gaiman movie update
The official homepage for the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Stardust is up. There's hardly anything there, but it looks awfully pretty.