RIP, OneManga
It is with mixed emotions (about 55% irritation, 45% resignation) that I say goodbye to OneManga, the popular manga scanlation site that shut down for good last week. Now, it's possible that the ...
Seriously, dude? Thucydides?
While checking out the Horn Book Blog, I followed a link to this Harvard Magazine profile of literary agent Andrew Wylie. I was mostly impressed by Mr. Wylie's seemingly colossal ego*, but I thin...
Watch me suspend the ol' disbelief
In a strikingly Hollywood-ish bit of casting, Daniel Craig—a.k.a. the current James Bond—has signed on to star in the upcoming American remake of Steig Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. ...
Truth in advertising?
Whoa. The women at GoFugYourself recently featured British socialite-turned-bestselling author Katie Price modeling a truly impressive outfit to promote her new book Paradise. I'm not sure about...
A prize-winning novel interpreted via nail polish
I'm not sure what's up with the sudden trend toward literature-inspired nail polish, but whatever: I like books and I like nail polish, so I'll just roll with it. I'm particularly impressed by th...
27 days and counting...
Portland, Oregon's Powell's Books is hosting a midnight release party for Mockingjay, the third and final book in Suzanne Collins's bestselling "Hunger Games" trilogy. The shindig will start at 9:...
Jane Austen's Fight Club
I'm no fan of the endless Jane Austen book parodies currently glutting up the market, but this... I have to admit it, I cracked up.
The price is right
Quick-on-the-draw Kelley Armstrong fans should whip over to SF Signal and enter their Waking the Witch giveaway. The contest ends at 10:00 PM (Central Time) tonight, so you've still got a little ...
Release the merchandising tie-ins!
Sadly, I grew so bored by the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics that I didn't bother to read the last six or so issues. I have 'em... and I might get to 'em eventually... but it'll need to be a slo...
Wave of the future?
According to The New York Times, announced on Monday that they've been selling more titles for its Kindle e-readers than hardcover books during the last three months—143 e-books for eve...
So dorky, seriously.
My standards are not high when it comes to book trailers, but this one—it's for James Patterson and Maxine Paetro's Private, and a slightly longer version is currently popping up on Hulu—is partic...
Behind the times
How did I miss this? The 2010 Bulwer-Lytton contest results were released late last month, and this year's winner is (as they always are) a delight:For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's a...
Manga for the rich and famous
Huh. If you're artistically inclined, this might be worth investigating: according to AnimeNewsNetwork, the Italian fashion label Prada has announced a Manga-themed contest in celebration of its ...
An embarrassment of popcorn-worthy riches?
The most recent "Trailer Park" post on Cinematical features four book-nerd-friendly movie trailers: Howl (based on the obscenity trial over Allen Ginsberg's poem of the same name), an adaptation o...
Upscale goth
Check this out:This, dear readers, is a $30 nail polish set inspired by Morticia Addams. Specifically, the Morticia Addams of The Addams Family Musical, a Broadway production starring Bebe Neuwir...
I want one.
Sadly, this Epic Win FTW submission isn't a real book:But on the up side, one of the comments informs me that this is, and doesn't that almost make up for it?
My Little Ponies gone wild
Today is apparently Embrace Your Geekness Day, and someone at Buzzfeed decided to celebrate by collecting 50 of the most geek-tastic My Little Pony dolls. Most of them are movie-related, but ther...
RIP, Harvey Pekar
NPR put together a really nice obit for Harvey Pekar, the author of the American Splendor series, most of which focused on the day-to-day reality of life in Cleveland. Mr. Pekar was found dead in...
Build your own book review
I had never heard of Common Sense Media before yesterday, but their purpose statement sounded innocuous enough: they're a nonprofit organization dedicated to "improving the lives of kids and famil...
Home improvements
Behold the Bookshelf Apartment. Sadly, it's not a real, lived-in space, but a structure built for the "Small Spaces" exhibition at London's Victoria & Albert Museum. I so want to live there. Or...
White Cat, by Holly Black

Bookstores are currently overflowing with YA novels about vampires and werewolves, but the majority of the “monsters” in these books seem like fundamentally nice guys. They care about their ...
Used books on the cheap
Dude, this sounds so cool: the online used-book retailer Once Sold Tales has opened a brick-and-mortar store (well, less bricks and mortar and more a corner of one of their warehouses, but whatev...
Made of awesome
Aw... I recently found out that Washington State's Grays Harbor Transit System is letting kids participating in the Timberland Regional Library's summer reading program use their library cards as ...
Pride and Prejudice and cell phone apps
AustenBlog has posted a generally-positive guest review by some dude named Douglas R. Burchill of the new Pride and Prejudice and Zombies video game for the iPhone. If you're looking for the shor...
Summer Reading: Kids' Comics Edition
The School Library Journal's blog Good Comics for Kids has published their list of recommended summer reading for 2010, and I agree with about 70% of their suggested titles. (Which isn't a bad r...
Insatiable, by Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot's new novel Insatiable is full of nods to the current vampire craze (love triangles, seemingly ordinary heroines with mysterious abilities, broody-yet-hot dudes with weird dietary habits...
Did we really need another one?
Wait. So there's really going to be a new Three Musketeers movie, this time starring Milla Jovovich as Lady de Winter and that dude who played Percy Jackson as D'Artagnan? Wow... that was one of...
Brace yourselves, horror fans...
If you're looking for a genuinely creepy take on the vampire genre (versus, say, a mopey, dopey, heavy-on-the-sixpack-abs one), check out the trailer for Let Me In, the upcoming film remake of the...
Wonder Woman goes business casual
Starting this week, Wonder Woman will be wearing a new outfit: DC Comics has nixed the superheroine's iconic costume in favor of pants, a shirt, low heels, and a jacket. Oddly, I think she looks ...