Amish romance novels are selling like hotcakes? Really?Is anybody else having one of those weeks where they're constantly checking the calendar, wondering uneasily if they've lost time and it's su...
Tulle gone wrong.
Hmm. Penguin seems to have bumped up the release date for the second book in Nora Roberts's 'Bride Quartet'. Behold the cover for Bed of Roses, now coming out on October 27th:That's... surprisingl...
Must be dorm-decorating season
Today's the last day for's big poster sale, which includes a couple of awesome Ralph Steadman illustrations from Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Behold:If you'r...
Churning 'em out
Wow: According to the AP Wire, James Patterson has signed on to write seventeen(!!!) books for Hachette in the next three years--11 adult thrillers and 6 YA books.I'm not much of a Patterson fan t...
Mark your calendars, anime geeks.
A quick reminder for disorganized Rumiko Takahashi fans: Inuyasha: the Final Act will begin airing in Japan on October 3rd.People who watched the original TV series on Cartoon Network's Adult Swi...
Neil Gaiman makes a Christmas movie!
Neil Gaiman's long-hinted-at short film will happen, and it will apparently star ubiquitous character actor Bill Nighy. According to Cinematical, the movie will be a silent short described as "a l...
Emma on the TV
Take note, dear readers: AustenBlog is saying that the BBC's new version of Emma is due to air "early in October". And while that means that us poor souls in the States won't get to see it until 2...
Robert Downey Jr. continues to work the comic book angle
Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. has apparently signed on to star in a film adaptation of Cowboys and Aliens, a graphic novel created by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg in 2006. I haven't read it, but I ...
Suzanne Collins chats with NPR
NPR is full of Suzanne Collins goodness right now: their site is offering both a sneak peek at chapter two of her just-released novel Catching Fire and a lengthy interview with the author.
Merge of the Titans
The comic book world is all a-flutter with the news that Disney is buying Marvel for $4 billion... and while I don't have a big emotional stake in either one of these companies, if Disney casts an...
Fantastic Mr. Fox movie smells of win
And in slightly bigger-budget promotional news, here's the trailer for the upcoming film based on Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox:I was a little taken aback by the animation style, but this film lo...
Clutch the pearls!
Behold, it's the book trailer for Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, our current Featured Book:I refrained from complaining about this in the review, because even I understand it's an awfully minor point, but I'...
Popular fiction in the classroom?
There's an article up on the New York Times website about a teacher in Atlanta who allows her students to read whatever they want to* in her middle-school literature class. The students explore th...
Twilight + wedding dresses = girl-entertainment jackpot?
In what I can only describe as a desperate attempt to attract really young readers with the fashion equivalent of fanfiction, InStyle magazine asked several designers to sketch Bella Swann's weddi...
Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, by Amanda Grange

Jane Austen continuations and vampire romances have been two of the great literary success stories of the past five years, so we're actually a little surprised we haven't already seen a combi...
Entertainment for the masses
I had to snicker when I read this Variety article about the sky-high ratings enjoyed by the recent episode of HBO's True Blood, which was the first HBO series episode to top 5 million viewers sinc...
Repackaging for fun and (even more) profit
A recent trip to the bookstore revealed quite a few repackaging efforts on behalf of Wordcandy-approved authors. Richelle Mead has upgraded to hardcover class:Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl books have...
TokyoPop calls dibs on Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume
According to Deb's Manga Blog, TokyoPop has licensed Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume ("Happy Cafe"), and will be releasing it in January. This 11-volume series overflows with shojo cliches, including a r...
Youth in Revolt trailer's up...
...and while I'm not a huge Michael Cera fan (he's precious) and I haven't read the C.D. Payne book the movie is based on, the trailer's teen-romance take on Fight Club shtick did make me snicker ...
Wordcandy (hearts) public libraries
Once again, my local library has come through for me with their excellent books-on-CD selection. My family and I are heading off to the beach this week, and we'll be listening to the complete and ...
Advertising run amok
So, as kind of a palate-cleanser after the orgy of fiction I've been reading lately, I picked up a copy* of Carrie McLaren and Jason Torchinsky's Ad Nauseam: A Survivor's Guide to American Consume...
The Forest of Hands and Teeth book trailer
Okay, as book trailers go, this one isn't too bad, actually:And isn't it a relief to know that eyeliner is still available, even after the zombie apocalypse?
Popular shojo manga comes to TV
AnimeNewsNetwork informs me that someone is making an anime version of Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, the super-popular shojo manga by Hiro Fujiwara. This series, while cute, is one of those stories that...
Jennifer Crusie needs you... come up with a new title for her paranormal work-in-progress. The book has been tentatively titled Always Kiss Me Goodnight for some time, which Crusie chose because the phrase has always g...
The Punctuation Avenger!
I was listening to BBC Radio yesterday, and they had a story about 62-year-old Stefan Gatward, a Kent resident who finally lost his temper over the incorrectly-punctuated sign on the end of his st...
Too much money, too little sense
Y'know, I enjoyed the "missing bottles of Thomas Jefferson's wine" plotline in Ridley Pearson's Killer Summer, but I had no idea the storyline was based on an actual (alleged) hoax.
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Heh. I finally got around to watching the New Moon trailer, and I'm sorry to say that the hokey boy-into-wolf CGI in the first teaser does not appear to have been fixed:And the last line of the tr...
Fahrenheit 451: dumbed allll the way down?
Sarah Boxer has a nice article up in Slate about the recent graphic-novel adaptation of Ray Bradbury's classic novel Fahrenheit 451--you know, the book about a world where all books are banned exc...
Contest news...
We've finished the drawing for our Summer Beach Reading Giveaway, and e-mails will go out to the winners this afternoon. If you entered this drawing, PLEASE check your e-mail!Thanks to everyone wh...