Dream Girl, by Lauren Mechling

No sooner had we remarked on the originality of a young adult fantasy novel about a teenage girl with magical dreams... than we received another young adult fantasy novel about a teenage girl...
But... but... WHY?!?
GYAH! According to Meg Cabot's (usually totally awesome, but in this case quite depressing) blog, Kristen Bell, star of my beloved Veronica Mars, has agreed to play Lizzie Nichols, the main chara...
Who comes up with these?
The literary powers-that-be have made one of those bizarre commercials for our current Featured Book, Lisa McMann's highly entertaining YA fantasy Wake. Behold:I don't have a television, so I'm t...
Gakuen Alice licensed
I'm hearing that the anime adaptation of the popular manga Gakuen Alice has been licensed here in the U.S. I enjoyed this half-cute, half-creepy 26-episode series about a spunky 10-year-old who f...
Next chapter of Nodame delayed?
AnimeNewsNetwork.com is reporting that Nodame Cantabile (one of my favorite series) is going on hiatus until October, as series creator Tomoko Ninomiya is going on maternity leave. However, the fi...
Dating da Vinci, by Malena Lott

The heroine of Malena Lott’s novel Dating da Vinci is a 36-year-old linguist named Ramona Elise. The widowed mother of two young boys, Ramona is still mourning her husband, who died two years ear...
But in the meanwhile...
...you can at least enjoy the trailer for the video game version of HP6, right?I particularly enjoy that smoke-machine effect behind the opening credits!
No HP for 2008
Alan Horn, the President and COO of Warner Bros. Pictures, announced yesterday that the company has pushed back the release date of the film adaptaion of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to...
Wake, by Lisa McMann

Lisa McMann’s debut novel Wake has a lot going for it: a great premise, an intriguingly dark atmosphere, and a plausibly screwed-up heroine. Unfortunately, it’s way too short, it’s currently...
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series to be made into a movie
I've never been able to finish one of these books, so someone else will have to be the judge--will this project be another Lord of the Rings, or another Eragon?
Manhwa mourning
Christopher from the blog comics212 has posted a discouraging response to a Publishers Weekly interview with Tokyopop marketing director Marco Pavia. Christopher seems unconvinced by Pavia's claim...
I had no idea this story was so popular.
Variety has an article up about a forthcoming TV pilot based on the John Updike novel The Witches of Eastwick. I already knew about the 1980s movie adaptation, but I didn't realize that this will ...
My eyes, they bleed...
Sweet Georgia peaches!Annnnnnd here's the publisher's description:"Mr. Darcy just isn't Flip Allison's style. She prefers novels with hot sex on the bathroom sink to the mannerly, high-tension lon...
Pick your poison--Ballet Shoes version
I was planning to write a review of the unabridged audiobook edition of Noel Streatfeild's novel Ballet Shoes this afternoon, but I see that there's actually even more Ballet Shoes-related news wo...
Opposites attract
I finally got around to reading Eoin Colfer's latest Artemis Fowl book, Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox. It was just as solidly entertaining as the previous books in the series, but it ventures ...
Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go, by Dale E. Basye

Dale E. Basye, author of Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go, may not be the first person to write a book about an eleven-year-old boy with dark hair and glasses getting shipped off to a bizarre boarding ...
Diana Birchall defends Mrs. Elton
...can't imagine why she'd want to, but whatever.The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA) has posted the second story from their collection of Annual General Meeting Publication fanfics, a...
But what does this have to do with Buffy?
In an interesting advertising move, there was a six-page-long preview of Brad Meltzer's upcoming novel The Book of Lies in my Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight comic (issue #17). I'm not sur...
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist: the movie
Okay, I'll probably see this:I'm not a huge fan of David Leviathan's books--they're well-written, but his plot conclusions are weak--and Michael Cera always seems to be just playing himself. (Luc...
Vicarious thrift
I've spent most of today curled up with Amy Dacyczyn's The Complete Tightwad Gazette: Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle*. I was too young to be aware of Ms. Dacyczyn's Tightwad Ga...
Garfield Minus Garfield: the book
(I can't believe this comic strip exists... and, having seen proof that it exists, I can't believe how depressing it is.)In February of 2008, Dan Walsh started trotting out a unique webcomic--Gar...
Buffy: the animated series
The TV gods are giving us a taste of what might have been, in the form of a three-minute-long clip of the proposed Buffy the Vampire Slayer animated TV show, which never actually came to developme...
"Guilty pleasure" doesn't even begin to cover it.
Viz Media has licensed Honey Hunt, the latest series from Miki Aihara, author of the enormously popular Hot Gimmick. The heroine of Honey Hunt is a quiet, shy teenager named Yura, whose mother is...
Girls Like Us, by Sheila Weller

Sheila Weller's Girls Like Us: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon—and the Journey of a Generation is an unusual but highly satisfying end-of-summer read. The book is an ambitious attempt at a...