Wordcandy particularly loves her short stories.
Just a reminder, Clarke fans: you can read one of the short stories found in The Ladies of Grace Adieu here. It's called The Duke of Wellington Misplaces His Horse, and it originally appeared on ...
Wordcandy loves Susanna Clarke
Susanna Clarke's new book, The Ladies of Grace Adieu, is due out on October 17th. Apparently, it will be a collection of short stories set in the world of her first book, Jonathan Strange and Mr....
Welcome to our soap box.
We try to keep the blog as on-topic as possible... or, at least, we figure as long as it has something to do with books then we can write about it. However, today I am going to get on my politica...
In honor (...or something) of Jan Svankmajer's new Edgar Allen Poe-inspired movie Lunacy, we present to you a history of some of his previous dabbles in Wordcandy-approved literature:From his vers...
Selling out all over the place
A few days ago I was complaining about Meg Cabot's decision to include postcards advertising Clinique inside her new book How To Be Popular. I thought it was a pretty crass move, considering that ...
Harry Potter news
The Leaky Cauldron is reporting that the film version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will open on November 21, 2008, continuing the trend of one movie in the summer, the next in the fal...
Wordcandy Weekly Book Snippet
Excerpt from: M.T. Anderson's Thrilling Tales: Whales on Stilts!, by M.T. AndersonWhy you should buy a copy of your very own:It's a goofy send-up of countless children's adventure series, but it w...
In case we offended you by leaving your favorite book-to-movie adaptation off of our list of the Ten Best Book-to-Screen Adaptations, please rest assured that it caused considerable squabbling amo...
Wordcandy casting news
Bond girl Eva Green has been cast as Serafina Pekula and Nicole Kidman has been cast as Ms. Coulter in the upcoming Golden Compass movie adaptation; Helena Bonham Carter has been cast as Bellatrix...
Non-Ugly Cover Art: Part 4
See? It can be done! I've never read this adaptation, and I don't even like the fairy tale it's based on, but I still covet this book. It's weird and gorgeous--the kind of book that your aunt send...
Ugly Cover Art: Part 872
I'm currently halfway through Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy, and I'm really enjoying it. The books are total Wordcandy, and Stroud is a talented writer with a gift for making up some truly ...
Wordcandy loves the mass-market paperbacks
I realize that for many people, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was a daunting proposition. After all, the book was A) approximately one million pages long, B) close to thirty dollars, and C) awf...
Scandal in Spring, by Lisa Kleypas

Scandal in Spring isn’t Lisa Kleypas’s Best Book Ever, but (like everything she writes) it’s highly entertaining. It has more humor than I’ve seen in her earlier novels, the romance is enjoyable, and it’s a satisfying conclusion to the "Wallflowers" quartet...
Hollywood brings the creepy
While Ruth Rendell's books consistently give me the heebie-jeebies, P.D. James has also been known to scale pretty high on the give-Julia-the-creeps-o-meter, and her novel The Children of Men has ...
Further proof...
...that the Warner Bros. people don't monitor their young stars' lives too closely: Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe is set to star in a West End play that will require him to appear in the nu...
Okay... so I have been missing in action for a few weeks. Sorry guys, this move to D.C. has become so much more time-consuming then I thought. But I was checking my e-mail this morning and on on...
Meg, Meg, Meg...
So, I picked up Meg Cabot's new book How To Be Popular yesterday. It was fun, as all of Cabot's books are, and it had a great cover (the picture doesn't do it justice--the book jacket is actually ...
Wordcandy odds and ends
Juicy tidbits regarding Wordcandy-approved books are drifting in left and right…1. The Eragon movieFrankly, I'm not a huge fan of this series. It was okay, but I don't think that it would have be...
You know what I miss?
The Classics Illustrated series from the early nineties. Remember those? I mean, I had some Classics Illustrated rip-offs (including a particularly terrible Pride and Prejudice comic, where all ...
English As She Is Spoke
I was having a lovely time last night, amusing myself by reading the excellent blog Manolo For the Men (not that I am a man, or am particularly interested in men's fashion, but, hey, it's a good b...
Uh... okay.
So, apparently there's a new adaptation of the perennial book-to-screen favorite Les Liaisons Dangereuses. This version is called Bulldog in the White House, it's set in an all-gay Bush White Hou...
Castle Waiting, by Linda Medley

As I’ve said before, I like stories about people working. I find reading about somebody else’s labor to be deeply satisfying. I’m also a big fan of fairytales, particularly the ones that reward their characters for doing obscure tasks. (I love that one about the girl whose evil stepmother makes her hunt for fruit in the middle of winter, wearing a paper dress.) That’s why the new hardcover version of Linda Medley’s collected Castle Waiting stories had me nearly giddy with excitement...
Wordcandy Weekly Book Snippet
Excerpt from: The World of Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse Why you should buy a copy of your very own:Because no one on God's green earth does this sort of humor like Wodehouse. And these paragraphs are...
Clearly, Christmas has come early this year.
I'm a big fan of Korean entertainment. Their televised dramas are so awesome, even if their sexual politics frequently seem a little strange to my American eyes. Over the past few months, I've p...
'Sinfest': fresh out of the box
Tatsuya Ishida's awesome (but not always family-friendly--consider yourself warned, impressionable young readers!) webcomic now has a brand-new home. Ishida's update record in 2006 has been more t...