The Hollywood gods are smiling.
For once, a trend we can encourage: making movie or tv adaptations of books that we haven't read and don't give a damn about.Example number one:Gossip GirlThe only reason we're even remotely inter...
Lisa Kleypas rides again!
Beloved Wordcandy author Lisa Kleypas will be releasing a new historical romance, Mine Till Midnight, on October 2nd. If interested, you can read a snippet from this novel here.Note: We hate to c...
Could it be...?
Is Scott Westerfeld actually going to give us... closure? Is he feeling feverish? Okay, so our hopes aren't high, but we're happy to see that there's going to be fourth book set in Westerfeld's ...
Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?, by Allyson Beatrice

Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?: True Adventures in Cult Fandom, Allyson Beatrice’s collection of essays about her experiences as a hardcore Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, is a...
*anime-style spinning eyes*
TOKYOPOP has their new website up, and it's totally overwhelming. I hate to say it, because I'm sure their web developers worked really, really hard, but any website that has to feature a huge "H...
Three Bags Full, by Leonie Swann

The set-up is stock casual mystery: in a rural Irish town, a friendly, reclusive shepherd is found dead in his pasture with a spade in his stomach. Everyone in the town had a reason to not only want him dead, but also to fear his death. None of the locals, including the police, care to investigate. Instead, the mystery is left to be solved by a set of lovable amateurs—the shepherd’s abandoned flock...
Wordcandy loves the annotated editions
I love W.W. Norton's collection of annotated classics. I own both The Annotated Alice: the Definitive Edition and The Annotated Brothers Grimm--which we reviewed--and I aspire to one day own a cop...
A Nail Through the Heart, by Timothy Hallinan

Recently, we've been in something of rut here at Wordcandy. If it wasn't a book about a boy wizard (you wouldn't believe how many Harry Potter rip-offs we get), it was a YA romance. Don't get us w...
RIP, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, author of the bodice-ripper classic The Flame and the Flower (book #1 on our Worst So-Called "Fun" Books Ever list) died Friday, July 6, 2007. She was 68.While Ms. Woodiwis...
Harry Potter Activities, Part V
So now it's Friday, and you haven't made a single plan. You haven't ordered your copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. You didn't make arrangements to hang out with your fellow book geek...
Harry Potter Activities, Part IV
While there are great HP-release party options on the East and West Coast, Midwesterners might be having the most hardcore HP shindigs. Two Ohio towns, Wilmington and Hudson, will be turning thei...
Harry Potter Activities, Part III
If you're within a hundred miles of Portland, Oregon, the Harry Potter release party at Powell's Bookstore sounds like an event not to be missed.Starting around 4PM, Couch Street will be closed to...
Harry Potter Activities, Part II
If you're going to be in New York this weekend, and for some reason you can't make one of the midnight parties, the Strand Bookstore in New York City (the "18 miles of books" place) is having a Ha...
The Night of the Solstice, by L.J. Smith

If L. J. Smith’s reputation rested solely upon her first novel, 1987’s The Night of the Solstice, and its sequel, 1990’s Heart of Valor, she might have been ranked among the classic children’s aut...
Harry Potter Activities, Part I
This week we'll be focusing on various Harry Potter-related activities scheduled around the country. If you're not a HP fan... uh, sorry. Check back next week.But if you ARE a HP fan, and you're g...
Harry Potter Toolishness, Part II
CURSE YOU, SIENNA MILLER!!!When will British girls learn? I don't care HOW cute you are, Emma Watson, NO ONE is cute enough to carry off this kind of outfit. Those BOOTS! That SATIN! Those... dang...
New Bond book
According to the Associated Press, the estate of the late Ian Fleming has selected British author Sebastian Faulks to write a new James Bond story. Faulks' novel, Devil May Care, is due to come o...
Deck yourself out
If you like Harry Potter shirts, but don't want to actually set foot in a Hot Topic, there are still some pretty awesome options out there:Support Buckbeak:I really like this one--very wearable, n...
Young Harry looks a little toolish
Details magazine is currently featuring an oh-so-saucy interview with Daniel Radcliffe, star of the Harry Potter movie franchise. I didn't read the whole thing (I get tired of Details' tone of co...
Avalon High Coronation: The Merlin Prophecy, by Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot’s books are pure escapist fun. Shojo manga—well, some of it—is also pure escapist fun. So combining the two should create some kind of super pure escapist fun, right? TOKYOPOP ho...
Yet another vamp series rec
My mother suggested that I check out Marta Acosta's vampire/romance series. Acosta's first book is Happy Hour at Casa Dracula, followed by Midnight Brunch, with a third book due to be released in...
Books on demand?
According to this, patrons of the New York Public Library will soon be able to use the machine at left to "print off books free of charge, the end result of which is supposedly 'indistinguishable...
Crusie and friends, part II
Well, here's the cover art for Jennifer Crusie's upcoming collaboration with Bob Mayer, Agnes and the Hitman:And here's the official publisher's description:"Agnes Crandall, a food columnist bette...
Lovely Complex
Viz Media is set to release their translation of the first volume of the shojo comic Lovely Complex tomorrow (they've retitled it Love*Com). Lovely Complex is an exceptionally cute odd-couple lo...