A worthy effort
Square Fish Books has just released a gorgeous and inexpensive ($6.99) new paperback edition to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Madeleine L'Engle's Newberry-award-winning A Wrinkle in Time. Che...
Now with pictures
We're very excited to see that there's going to be a graphic novel adaptation of Eoin Colfer's first Artemis Fowl book, due out in October. According to Colfer's website, the book will be a faith...
Best. Website. EVER.
Many thanks to Lori for introducing me to the "Longmire Does Romance Novels" website, a collection of totally awesome re-imagined romance novel covers. My favorite is Chili Supper for Satan (ori...
Gregor and the Code of Claw, by Suzanne Collins

Gregor and the Code of Claw, the final installment in Suzanne Collins’s Underland Chronicles, is the most unsatisfying book I have read this year. It’s not a bad book—Collins’s characters...
Delaying Jane
Austenblog is reporting that Masterpiece Theatre may delay their broadcast of ITV's Jane Austen adaptations until January '08. (They were originally going to be shown in November '07.) If we ha...
Archie goes East
I hear that there's a possibility of an Indian version of the long-running Archie comic books. Apparently, Archie's pretty hot in India, and its publishers are thinking of releasing a culturally-...
Babies with books, Part II
And if you're in the market for a great book to share with your zero- to two-year-old, we (as always) have some suggestions!Try Lane Smith's The Happy Hockey Family! and its sequel, The Happy Hock...
Babies with books, Part I
We here at Wordcandy HQ try not to get too upset over statistics about the dwindling popularity of reading, but this survey, featured in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, is pret...
Zombie titles lurch back to life
While it doesn't compare to our excitement over the upcoming Yotsuba&! volume, we're happy to see that CPM is finally, finally releasing volume four of Full House*. This is a very entertaining ti...
Hey, I did remember
As promised, a reminder--tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day, people (and my buddy Patrick says there's some good stuff this year). Get thee to a comic book store and demand (politely) that they turn...
Crusie on the move
I recently happened upon the website for Jennifer Crusie's upcoming collaboration with Anne Stuart and Eileen Dreyer, The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes. The website isn't much to look at*, but it d...
Evil Genius, by Catherine Jinks

Catherine Jinks’s novel Evil Genius opens with a list of the classes offered at the Axis Institute. Students can sign up for “Applied Physics”, “Cultural Appreciation”, or “Pragmatic Philosophy”. There’s even a wholesome-sounding offering entitled “Coping Skills”. It looks a lot like any other class list... or it would, if someone hadn’t crossed out the official class names and written in more accurate descriptions...
If only it was a recipe for something else.
The mega-cool Virtual History Exhibit at the Horn Book site is currently featuring Laura Ingalls Wilder's recipe for gingerbread (recorded in a 1953 letter to a woman named Jennie Lindquist). Sad...
When what to my wondering eyes did appear...
I really wanted this t-shirt, but apparently it's already been sold:Alas. Well, I guess I could make do with this one:[Source]
Book Crush, by Nancy Pearl

Naturally, we here at Wordcandy have trouble understanding why you might look to anyone else for your book recommendation needs, but we can—reluctantly—accept that occasionally you’re going to str...
Spin the wheel
New Line's website for their Golden Compass movie adaptation is up and running, and allows fans to play a twenty questions-style game that determines what their deamon would be. (It's kinda fun--m...
The Screaming Room, by Thomas O'Callaghan

Mini-reviews!The Screaming Room, by Thomas O'CallaghanThomas O'Callaghan's The Screaming Room is not a book for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach. It's a thriller featuring a series of gr...
Ironside, by Holly Black

Fans of Holly Black’s earlier books will be delighted to find that her new novel, Ironside, picks up shortly after Tithe ends and features many of the characters in Valiant. As Ironside opens, Unseelie king-to-be Roiben’s coronation is approaching, and changeling Kaye decides that it’s time to declare her love for him...
International Trailer Action!
Here is another sneak peak of what to expect this summer from the next Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Now if we could just get a sample chapter from the final bo...
Oh, for the love of...
It has finally happened: Hollywood is going to make a film version of Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising. And you know who is going to direct it? David L. Cunningham, director of the infamous ABC...
Alice tableware
FishsEddy.com is offering some cool Alice in Wonderland-themed glasses and serving plates:Aren't they pretty? They range in price from $4.50 to $19.95, and I think they're well worth it.
Support your favorite banned book.
My local bookstore is selling the American Library Association's "Banned Books" bracelets. There's an adult version featuring Howl, Alice in Wonderland, The Color Purple, and three other titles f...
We like our books pretty.
Have I mentioned what a bargain the Everyman's Library editions are? Published by Knopf Books, this line of over 500 classic titles is beautifully bound and reasonably priced, at about $18 apiece...
Achewood teaches us about wine.
Achewood.com, home to Chris Onstad's awesomely surreal webcomic of the same name about the group of anthropomorphic toys, robots, and animals that live at 62 Achewood Court, now offers The Achewoo...