Check out that poncho!
Sep 25
So, the first stills from the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie have been released, and I am pleased to announce that the windblown Monkees shag appears to be a thing of the past:

And here's our first peek at Dolores Umbridge! Umbridge was, in my opinion, a far scarier villain than Voldemort will ever be, and this outfit ups the fear factor considerably. She's like an evil, mumsy version of Jackie O:


And here's our first peek at Dolores Umbridge! Umbridge was, in my opinion, a far scarier villain than Voldemort will ever be, and this outfit ups the fear factor considerably. She's like an evil, mumsy version of Jackie O:

Posted by: Julianka
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Has the Manolo seen this?
I think she would have been scarier, actually, if they'd chosen a softer-looking actress. That one looks imperious, which makes her transformation less creepy. But, as you have pointed out, the poncho goes a long way.
I just hope they include the frolicking kitten pictures in her office that is what make her scary to me.