While visiting my local bookstore this weekend, I was excited to see a beautifully bound,
Alice In Wonderland-inspired book on the new fiction shelves:
Frank Beddor's
The Looking-Glass Wars. Unfortunately, my excitement was slightly dampened when I discovered that I'd already read it.
Like, a year ago.
In paperback, no less.

Eventually, I realized that I must have picked up my copy of Beddor's novel in England, where the book has been out for about a year and a half. Google then lead me to the accompanying comic book series,
Hatter M, which looks very... manly. (From what I recall, the Hatter in Beddor's world is an assassin. I can't remember what the pointy thing that he's holding is, though. Maybe millinery shears?)
While I'm usually pretty irritated by staggered release dates, I trust that the wide gap between the British release date and the American one means that the wait for the second novel will be very, very brief.
The comic book is totally stupid. Pretty, but stupid.