Books to inspire budding eco-geeks
Apr 25
Nonfiction books about the deterioration of the planet are great for inspiring nightmares about the melting polar ice caps, but the fiction aisle has something to offer, too. The following YA books are as entertaining as they are thought-provoking:

Ask your kids for their thoughts about these titles, and follow up on any questions or comments they might have. After all, if today's children are going to be stuck cleaning up the mess our planet has become, it's never too early to get 'em fired up on the subject.

Ask your kids for their thoughts about these titles, and follow up on any questions or comments they might have. After all, if today's children are going to be stuck cleaning up the mess our planet has become, it's never too early to get 'em fired up on the subject.
Posted by: Julianka
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