Most of my paperbacks are too worn for this, but...
Apr 9
Meg sent me this book storage idea:

The books are secured to the door with a contraption called a Sticklebook, and you can order one of your very own for around $30 (USD). According to their website, it works kind of like a kenzan (one of those pin-cushion-y flower-holder things used in Japanese flower arranging). One wonders if it might cause some damage, but it's certainly an eye-catching alternative to the standard bookshelf.

The books are secured to the door with a contraption called a Sticklebook, and you can order one of your very own for around $30 (USD). According to their website, it works kind of like a kenzan (one of those pin-cushion-y flower-holder things used in Japanese flower arranging). One wonders if it might cause some damage, but it's certainly an eye-catching alternative to the standard bookshelf.
Posted by: Julianka
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