Literature worth sitting on
Nov 19
I was poking around the web this morning, and I ran across this:

Yes, dear readers, you're looking at a Raymond Chandler deck chair—but if you're not a Chandler fan, don't worry: they have several other authors, too. In fact, the fine people at Objects of Design are selling an entire line of Penguin-bookcover-inspired items, including mugs, pencils, tea towels, and bags. I really like 'em, but I'm still balking a little at those prices.

Yes, dear readers, you're looking at a Raymond Chandler deck chair—but if you're not a Chandler fan, don't worry: they have several other authors, too. In fact, the fine people at Objects of Design are selling an entire line of Penguin-bookcover-inspired items, including mugs, pencils, tea towels, and bags. I really like 'em, but I'm still balking a little at those prices.
Posted by: Julianka
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