More from Hollywood.
May 22

Man, Hollywood has been going crazy for Wordcandy authors recently. (You have good taste, Hollywood. Too bad so many of your movies suck.) It was announced this week that Guillermo del Toro will be adapting Roald Dahl's The Witches. I'm not sure if he will actually direct the film, but it's still an interesting thought, considering his work on Hellboy.
I'm a little nervous, though--I really like the older film adaptation of this book. Even with its revised ending, it still freaked me out. How will they update the visual effects? After all, the makeup that was done for the original was pretty creepy, and that was BEFORE computer technology began to play such a huge role in movie making. Will this new movie be even freakier? And if so, will I ever sleep again?
Posted by: Julianka
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