Fast Food Nation, Part II
May 20

"Linklater's film (co-written with Schlosser) is an episodic docudrama about a large group of fictional characters connected to the corporate beef industry in a single Colorado town -- from a fast-food chain executive to burger-flipping high school students to ranchers and undocumented immigrant workers -- and concludes with horrific real-life scenes of cattle being slaughtered and rendered into hamburger in a meat-packing plant."
Ohhhhhhhhkay. A few things about this movie: A) it stars Greg Kinnear (as much as it stars anybody), not Ethan Hawke, B) the final scenes were apparently filmed inside a real Mexican slaughterhouse, and were so gruesome that none of the cast has eaten a burger since, and C) it is CONFIRMED that there is no chance (EVER!!!) of me going to see it.
Posted by: Julianka
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I'm... feeling a bit sick....