Tulle gone wrong.

Hmm. Penguin seems to have bumped up the release date for the second book in Nora Roberts's 'Bride Quartet'. Behold the cover for Bed of Roses, now coming out on October 27th:

That's... surprisingly ugly. I'm not sure why, but something about that image (The pose? The colors? The cleavage?) says "generic romance novel" much more strongly than most of Roberts's recent books, including the equally wedding-themed cover for the first title in the series.
Posted by: Julianka


10 Sep, 2009 05:29 PM @ version 0

Maybe it's that the bride looks splayed out like she is drunk.

The bouquet is kind of entertaining, though. It looks like a huge slug made of flowers is climbing up the drunken bride.

10 Sep, 2009 09:17 PM @ version 0

That posture does suggest that she partied a little too hard at her bachelorette party the night before, doesn't it?

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