Popular fiction in the classroom?
Aug 31

I'm not saying there's no value to force-feeding kids The Jungle or The Great Gatsby, but this article did have me wondering if there might be some middle ground. What if teachers chose classic novels, and then asked students to choose a modern novel with a similar theme? Let the kids read Stephenie Meyer, but then point 'em at a Bronte novel, or guide them from Frankenstein to Jurassic Park.
Of course, another option might be just to choose more kid-friendly required reading. In my experience, it is very, very difficult to interest a reluctant reader in, say, Ethan Frome. Many children find the language off-putting, and the ones who can get past the language are creeped out by the subject matter. But why not choose something like Shirley Jackson's The Lottery, or Agatha Christie's The Murder on the Orient Express, or the Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel? All of these stories have their pluses and minuses, but if the idea is to expose a young reader to a classic novel, it might not be a bad idea to choose something highly readable. And if all else fails, I think teachers should stick to teaching the books that they love, because kids do respond to genuine enthusiasm... even if it's genuine enthusiasm over Bartleby the Scrivener.
*Except Gossip Girl books or novels based on video games, apparently.
Posted by: Julianka
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I love this idea for an add-on but I do think that teachers should expose kids to classics first. maybe the kids could pick from a list of suggestions or something. when i was a teen i was dying for good books to read and often asked my teachers for suggestions- and some of them came up with some great ideas.
Yeah, I think giving kids a choice is always a good idea--particularly when you arrange the choice in a way that leaves their teacher happy with either outcome. That way they feel empowered (and therefore less bitter about being forced to read something they don't want to), and yet they still have a shot at being exposed to something outside of their literary comfort zone.