Please let this be true.
Mar 9
2010 is reporting that Jang Geun-seok (the adorable lead actor from last year's You're Beautiful) has signed on to play Takeshi Gouda, the main male character in the upcoming movie adaptation of my Favorite Manga Ever, Tramps Like Us.
The fine people at Dramabeans are unclear as to how set-in-stone this news is, but I'm praying it's set like fully cured, rebar-laced concrete. They originally thought that Kim Hyun-joong would playing the role, which... well, I'm sorry, but that dude is like a incredibly pretty, guitar-playing block of wood. This is going to be a tricky role to play, and one that probably would have been better served by a drama format than a movie one. So I'm not sure that Jang Geun-seok will nail it, either, but overall? My hopes for this movie just shot up about 600%.
Posted by: Julianka
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