Probable hot mess
Feb 24

Okay, I'm 20% intrigued about/80% dreading this upcoming film adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. I really like the director (Selma's Ava DuVernay), but A Wrinkle in Time just isn't that movie friendly. Unlike, say, J.K. Rowling or C.S. Lewis, L'Engle's sense of fantasy was never particularly visual. Imagine the scenes in the 2D world, or the section with Aunt Beast. Those scenes are amazing, but how the hell are they going to translate to film? The plot climax (which takes place entirely in Meg's head) is about as far from a big fight scene as possible—and if Disney pulls some kind of Alice in Wonderland crap and tries to make it into one, we are going to Have Words.
Posted by: Julianka
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