Fanfiction DOES pay--if you're really good at it.
Jan 3
These Three Remain, the final volume of Pamela Aidan's Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman series is newly available this week.

This trilogy began as a Pride and Prejudice fanfic on the Republic of Pemberly website. It was eventually picked up by Simon and Schuster, and provides a strong argument for the validity of fanfiction. Ms. Aidan is a decent writer with a wonderful imagination, and Austen fans are sure to enjoy her interpretation of Mr. Darcy's private thoughts.

This trilogy began as a Pride and Prejudice fanfic on the Republic of Pemberly website. It was eventually picked up by Simon and Schuster, and provides a strong argument for the validity of fanfiction. Ms. Aidan is a decent writer with a wonderful imagination, and Austen fans are sure to enjoy her interpretation of Mr. Darcy's private thoughts.
Posted by: Julianka
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This whole series is way, way, WAY better than most Austen-inspired books.