Harry Potter Activities, Part III
Jul 18
If you're within a hundred miles of Portland, Oregon, the Harry Potter release party at Powell's Bookstore sounds like an event not to be missed.

Starting around 4PM, Couch Street will be closed to traffic. "Dumbledore" will be there to greet the books as they arrive by Powell's truck, and then the books will be draped in black cloth and put under lock and key until 12:01.
Throughout the evening, there will be activities that include dancers and musicians on the main stage, vendors selling food and drinks, and street entertainers--jugglers, stilt walkers, magicians, and fire-eaters! Powell's staff will be wandering the crowds, giving away free stuff to people in costume.
"Dumbledore" and "McGonagall" will arrive by horse and carriage to open the
doors at 12:01, the first group will be let inside, and then the reading orgy can begin!

Starting around 4PM, Couch Street will be closed to traffic. "Dumbledore" will be there to greet the books as they arrive by Powell's truck, and then the books will be draped in black cloth and put under lock and key until 12:01.
Throughout the evening, there will be activities that include dancers and musicians on the main stage, vendors selling food and drinks, and street entertainers--jugglers, stilt walkers, magicians, and fire-eaters! Powell's staff will be wandering the crowds, giving away free stuff to people in costume.
"Dumbledore" and "McGonagall" will arrive by horse and carriage to open the
doors at 12:01, the first group will be let inside, and then the reading orgy can begin!
Posted by: Julianka
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If you're within 100 miles of Portland, Powells is worth a visit anyway, regardless of whether or not it's a Harry Potter party.