Posts tagged with marvel
One of the giants speaks

According to the Guardian, comics legend Art Spiegelman is claiming that he was asked to remove a criticism of Donald Trump from an introduction he wrote for Marvel. (It was really more of an implied criticism—he mentioned something about how "the Orange Skull haunts America".) The official reason...
Crossover event!

According to Deadline, the upcoming third season of Marvel’s Runaways will include a crossover episode with the series Cloak & Dagger, despite the fact that they air on different platforms. I haven't watched either of these shows since their first few episodes, but...
At least they've finally run away...?

io9 recently posted an update on season two of Hulu's Runaways. I'll probably check out an episode or two (or at least read the recaps), but the first season was my biggest TV disappointment of the past year...
I'd even pay FULL PRICE.

There are some big, awesome names indicating interest in making a movie adaptation of Marvel's Ms. Marvel: Mindy Khaling, Riz Ahmed, Jameela Jamil. Right now, I suspect the similarity of the Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel names would cause confusion...
Eating my words

Okay, the full trailer for Marvel's Venom has hit, and it looks considerably less dorky than I exected. (Plus, Riz Ahmed is pretty.) I'm not sure why I'm so surprised by this—if Marvel can translate Ant-Man into...
Hopefully it makes loads of money

The first trailer is out for Ant-Man and the Wasp. It's apparently the first Marvel film to name a female character in the title, so: yay for progress! On the other hand, I...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Runaways, by Christopher Golden

This week's Book Giveaway is Marvel's Runaways, by Christopher Golden. It has "An Original Novel" as its official subtitle, which is a little confusing: it's based on the Marvel comic series of the same name, but it appears to operate independently from the storylines created in either the comics or the TV adaptation. A full review will follow shortly, but be warned: it will be rife with possibly confusing spoilers for fans of this story's other formats...
I'm sure Marvel still makes out O.K.

I am frequently confused by the tangled business ties between Marvel and the other studios that develop Marvel properties, but are not considered part of the Marvel 'verse. (This group includes the X-Men series, as well as the last set of Spider-Man movies.) But Sony's current version of...
Is it a giant... pug?

How did I miss all this news about Marvel's latest TV series attempt, The Inhumans? And more importantly, why does it look so cheesy? (That wig!) Seriously, if you told me this...
Runaways REBORN

This is great: acclaimed YA novelist Rainbow Rowell has been hired to restart Marvel's Runaways, and she is apparently planning to revive Gert, whom I have always believed was killed off at least partially because it was too upsetting for Marvel's artists to draw a fat character...
It looks like it would chafe, too.

Hark! A Vagrant author Kate Beaton recently produced an absolutely glorious flurry of tweets about the upcoming TV adaptation of Marvel's Cloak and Dagger, a comic book series about a crime-fighting duo consisting of a man in an enveloping cloak and a woman in a skin-tight bodysuit with a deeply impractical dagger-shaped cutout...

The teaser trailer is out for Marvel's upcoming Doctor Strange, and it looks glossy and entertaining, just like we've come to expect from the studio. I'm sure it will earn a bazillion dollars, but now that I've seen the footage I'm even more irritated with Marvel's decision to transform the Tibetan-born character The Ancient One into Bald Tilda Swinton...
Goofy! Hopefully on purpose!

LaineyGossip recently posted several pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor in the upcoming movie adaptation of Marvel's Doctor Strange. I've never read Doctor Strange, but I cannot believe how well Cumberbatch's face lends itself to a comic book character...
Maybe a nice vacation?

So, I finally got around to watching the trailer for Captain America: Civil War. (It was posted last month, but my interest in Marvel's increasingly bloated universe is waning.) It looks...
Marvel's sound and fury

Last week, Pajiba posted an article called "The Life of Marvel Marketing and the Death of Marvel Story Telling", which presents the persuasive argument that Marvel is mostly concerned with hyping its larger universe, not the quality of its individual films...
Fingers crossed

According to LaineyGossip, Selma director Ava DuVernay has been tapped to direct Marvel's upcoming film adaptation of the comic Black Panther, due out in 2018. This will be the first Marvel superhero movie to feature an African-American main character...

I had actually assumed this was an April Fool's Day joke, but apparently it really happened: earlier this spring, Marvel teamed up with the subscription-clothing site Five Four Clothing to produce a line of goofy-looking clothing inspired by their Avengers comics...
The Marvel juggernaut rolls on

I was pleased to learn that ABC has chosen to renew Marvel's Agent Carter, but I can't help but wonder if Marvel worked out some kind of deal with the network in an effort to improve their current reputation re: female characters...
Update: Marvel still full of jackasses

io9 put together a very helpful summary of the main talking points surrounding the fan reaction to Joss Whedon's depiction of the Black Widow in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's a quick but comprehensive read, and will bring anyone up-to-date on the whole kerfluffle who doesn't want to wade through a million pages' worth of Internet commentary...
They can't sell us a Black Widow movie, but they can sell Ant-Man?

The first trailer is out for the upcoming Marvel movie Ant-Man, starring Paul Rudd. I really like Rudd, and Marvel has succeeded in transforming even dorkier characters (like, say, a talking, trigger-happy raccoon) into...
Take two

It looks like Marvel would like everyone to forget the 2005 and 2007 Fantastic Four movies (even though they made a fair bit of money). Now the studio wants all their movies to match, and, since the original F4 films stand out like sore, tacky thumbs, they're attempting a far more dignified re-do...
Marvel shakes things up

Big plot tweaks are on the way from Marvel: Thor is gonna be a woman, and the Captain America role is going to be handed over to Sam Wilson (AKA the Falcon, recently played by Anthony Mackie in Captain America: The Winter Soldier)...
And look! She's *not* shaped like Barbie!
Jezebel has posted a couple of advance images from the upcoming Marvel Comics reboot of the "Spider-Girl" character. (This version of the character has no connection to Peter Parker, apparently.)...
Pride and Prejudice (Marvel Comic), by Jane Austen

Well, I just got the second issue of Marvel's Pride and Prejudice comic book, and I think it's even worse than the first one. I'm not sure where to start with my complaints, so I'll just type 'em up as they come to me...