Posts tagged with laurell-k-hamilton
Dead Ice, by Laurell K. Hamilton

Laurell K. Hamilton has a gift. You wouldn't think a novel featuring vampires, werewolves, necromancers, polyamory, and—no joke—zombie porn could be dead boring, but somehow, inexplicably, Ms. Hamilton is capable of proving you wrong...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Dead Ice, by Laurell K. Hamilton

There's a 98% chance I'm going to regret this, but it's time for me to woman up: this week's Book Giveaway is Laurell K. Hamilton's Dead Ice. A full review will follow shortly, which means I'm going to have to actually read it...
Anita Blake: the movie?!
Cable network IFC is working with Lionsgate to produce a TV movie based on the Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter books. It is the network's first theatrical-length movie production...
Mistral's Kiss, by Laurell K. Hamilton

Laurell K. Hamilton’s most recent book, Mistral’s Kiss, the fifth title in the Meredith Gentry series, is better than I expected. It’s not as good as the first two installments in the series, but Mistral’s Kiss has some decent action scenes, ends on a tantalizing cliffhanger, and...
Guilty Pleasures
Check 'em out! The long-awaited Anita Blake comic book was released this week. While I could not bring myself to actually go out and spend my hard-earned money on one, I was able to find some sam...
Back in the day...
Hey, remember this, Laurell? Back when you couldn't afford the truly classy cover art featured on your books now? When your budget was more Subspecies than Anne Rice?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAO...
Long weekend = lots of reading time!
Whether you are heading off on vacation or just hanging by the pool this four-day weekend, here are a few new book suggestions to check out.Jennifer Colt - The Mangler of Malibu CanyonIf you have...
When "Man, is that tacky" is not enough...
"She keeps all her goods in the shop-window" is such a deliciously nasty old-fashioned saying. Don't you think it describes this book cover perfectly?Yes, gentle readers, there's another Laurell K...
Excuse me...
...while I laugh my ass off. Behold! The Anita Blake comic book, coming soon:Apparently Laurell K. Hamilton really likes this artwork. Not that that's much of a shocker- Anita, as anyone who's s...
A Public Service Announcement
Do not buy this book, because it SUCKS:Even though my hopes weren't high (thanks to how craptastic Ms. Hamilton's last few novels have been), I was shocked by how bad this book was. It's essentia...
Laurell K. Hamilton is at it again...
Today seems to be devoted to cover art! Some are great and some are like this beauty... well, it kind of speaks for itself. But really, Laurell, I know this series is slowly moving over to the e...