Posts tagged with book-covers

Thrilling news for fans of tastefully bound Jane Austen adaptations: the "Puffin in Bloom" series from Penguin Random House, which features cover art by Rifle Paper's creative director Anna Bond, will release new editions of Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility...
The original cover art CAN'T be that bad

Okay, this one is new to me: Juniper Books is a company that specializes in what I can only describe as fancy book slipcovers. If you want your romance novel/sci-fi series/YA thriller to look like it belongs in a historical library, they have the dustjacket for you. I was pretty excited about...
Another one for the shelf

I'm super into the minimalist cover art featured on Gladstone Press's edition of Pride and Prejudice, which is currently on sale for $11. (All of their covers are great.) I'd like it even better if they had produced an entire set of Austen's novels...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Pulp! the Classics edition), by Lewis Carroll

This week's Book Giveaway is the Pulp! the Classics edition of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This is basically all about that cover art: if the twisted hippie take on Judy Garland (...right?) makes you laugh...

So it's been almost three years since we've heard anything definitive about the movie adaptation of Georgette Heyer's The Grand Sophy. I'm thinking this project is (sobs) dead in the water. But on the upside, I recently saw a picture of this vintage edition of the novel online, and it fills my heart with joy...
My point

And speaking of British versus American covers, check out this 80th anniversary edition of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca, from the U.K.'s Virago Modern Classics. Look how awesome and original it is (how did they make embroidery seem so... insidious?), and...
Compare and contrast

LitHub recently published an article on one of my favorite pastimes: comparing US and UK cover art for the same books. Overall, I'm sticking with my long-held opinion that the UK gets better covers than we do, although...
I want one!

I don't know anything about this book, but I LOVE the cover and I'm in awe of how they managed to make the food look plausibly vintage, yet avoided falling into the trap of making it look like...
Beige pleather and inadequate fun

The MyModernMet online store recently launched a line of clutches designed by Elena Myloslavskaya of BAGatelle Studio. The three designs feature classic cover art from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven, and cost $78 apiece. You'd think this would be right up my alley, but...
Maybe one day he can play Colonel Sanders?

And in the second bit of unfortunate romance-novel news of the day, a male romance novel cover model was arrested in California this week and charged with robbing a series of banks and gas stations in Connecticut...
A vast improvement

And speaking of Neil Gaiman, I didn't realize that there were more faux-vintage covers for his books! I had already seen (and loved) the new-old cover for Neverwhere, but full props to the publisher, the cover artist(s), and Gaiman himself, whom I would not have pegged as...
My birthday's coming up.

I was flipping through the artwork featured on the Creative Action Network's website, and in addition to many gorgeous images inspired by our national parks, their stable of artists have also produced some really great literary images. I'm particularly impressed by this Don Quixote print, but...
We approve

Last week on Twitter I mentioned Australian graphic designer Jennifer Wu's amazing Tess of the D'Urbervilles cover, which cheers me up whenever I look at it. (Currently v. necessary.) Ms. Wu informs me that this cover is part of a larger project called #LoveRomance . The #LoveRomance campaign is devoted to championing romance writing and highlighting its exclusion from...
Share with a friend, or just give yourself a fake twin?

BIG NEWS: according to the Huffington Post, James L. Mathewuse—the artist behind the Sweet Valley High book covers that looked so intriguing when I was in elementary school—apparently takes commissions! For as little as $200, you could...
Pride and Prejudice and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Quarto Classics Reimagined), by Jane Austen and Lewis Carroll

As longtime Wordcandy readers know, I collect editions of Pride and Prejudice and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I only have so much shelf space, so I try to be discerning, but every once in a while I see more copies that I absolutely need to own...

Last month, Literary Hub published a fascinating essay by graphic designer Linda Huang about the differences between hardcover and paperback book cover art. Ms. Huang works for Vintage & Anchor Books

Okay, I am in love: The Casual Optimist introduced me to Pelican Books' latest editions of Shakespeare, featuring absolutely amazing covers by graphic designer Manuja Waldia...
I have no self control.

The Penguin Classics Deluxe line continues to quietly release reprints of classic novels with cover art that ranges from "totally respectable" to "I COVET THEE"...

Okay, this makes me a little sad. It's the 150th anniversary of my beloved Alice in Wonderland, and Puffin Books is celebrating with a new edition illustrated by Rifle Paper Co. founder Anna Bond. Don't get me wrong: I love Bond's work, but it's so tasteful...

Illustrator and writer Leanne Shapton has designed a series of absolutely gorgeous patterned covers for Jane Austen's six novels. You can admire the books via the website Creative Review, but I have yet to see any signs of them on Random House's American website...
They really anticipate a demand, don't they?

While visiting Barnes and Noble, I ran across these freshly reprinted Judy Blume novels in the "New Teen Books" section. Setting aside my issues with describing a bunch of books written before I was born as "new", I generally like these reprints, although I'm not sure why Simon and Schuster felt we needed two new editions...
My birthday is coming up.

With the exception of our Weekly Book Giveaway pick, we are taking the two weeks off between December 23rd and January 1st, but this is too magical not to share: the Creative Action Network has partnered with the Harvard Bookstore to offer a series of beautiful artist-designed classic book editions that can be printed on demand...
The MacGuffin personified

According to the Seattle Times, the titular bird statuette featured in the 1941 film The Maltese Falcon recently sold for more than $4 million. The black figurine is "one of two known cast lead statuettes made for John Huston's screen version of the film but the only one confirmed by Warner Bros. archives as having appeared in it", and...
More in my financial wheelhouse

If, like me, you were totally in love with the Kate Spade "Book of the Month" clutches, but neither willing nor able to spend $325 on an adorable but mostly useless accessory, today is your lucky day: Out of Print has released their own line of literary-themed canvas pouches...
I might prefer reading New Moo. That cow is cute.

I was genuinely amused by these altered book covers found on Pleated Jeans. The images feature 20 re-imagined book titles, each minus one letter. Some of the letters are more vital than others...
At long last: non-ugly reprints!

I have been wishing for years that someone would reprint the novels of L. M. Montgomery (whose books deserve much better cover art than they have received), so I was legitimately pleased to learn that Sourcebooks...
Minimalism at its best

I'm not sure if this book cover mock-up of a new edition of George Orwell's 1984 from the Austrian graphic design group Adronauts is a real thing, or just an art project/contest submission. Either way, I love it...

I've been staring in appalled fascination at the website Scarfolk, which seems to the project of graphic designer Richard Littler. The blog is devoted to the ephemera of an imaginary—and impossible—town...
Book cover art for your phone

If you own an iPhone 4 and you're looking for a new case, Nordstrom currently has three "Out of Print" cases inspired by classic book covers on sale: Animal Farm, The Outsiders, and On the Road...