Posts tagged with tv

I must admit, I thought George W. Bush's head appearing on a stake on HBO's Game of Thrones was at least a little funny. Tasteless, sure... but still funny.
Everything old

Lifetime Television is developing an ongoing drama featuring Clarice Starling, the main character from the horror/thriller The Silence of the Lambs. I'm not sure if the TV show will have much to do with Thomas Harris's books, but there's still obviously a lot of interest in the series...
A new, new Sherlock Holmes

I'm never going to be fully aboard the Jonny Lee Miller train, but I might check out CBS's Elementary. I really like Lucy Liu, and I enjoy the idea of a female Dr. Watson...
Uncommon TV

Huh: Crunchyroll informs me that a selection of Rumiko Takahashi's Rumic Theater short stories are going to be adapted into a pair of Japanese live-action drama anthologies. The Rumic Theater stories have been described as "domestic stories with a unique twist"...
Will lightning strike twice?

AMC is so happy with the success of their adaptation of Robert Kirkman's comic book series The Walking Dead that they've picked up his latest project for development, too...
For all those kindergartners with smartphones...

The creators of the Reading Rainbow television series have partnered with Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, Holiday House, and Charlesbridge Publishing to create a Reading Rainbow app, due out this spring. Details are still sketchy, but the app will feature an array of titles curated by Reading Rainbow host LeVar Burton.
A different take

CBS is apparently planning a complete reboot of the Sherlock Holmes story: they've hired Jonny Lee Miller to be their Sherlock Holmes (which... okay), changed the setting to modern-day New York City, and cast Lucy Liu as Watson.
They could re-name it Ugly Billy

ABC has green-lit an adaptation of Judith Krantz's 1978 best-seller Scruples. I have never read anything by Ms. Krantz, but the book sounds luridly entertaining...
Skip Beat! goes live-action (but remains pretty cartoony)
The website Koala's Playground has posted a 20-minute-long "preview" (although it's more like promotional music video... on crack) of the upcoming Taiwanese drama adaptation of my beloved Skip Bea...
Neil Gaiman gets animated
Last year, it was an episode of Arthur. This year, it's an episode of The Simpsons. Do they give Emmys to people who guest-star on cartoons, and if so, is Neil Gaiman gunning for one?
THR informs me that NBC has picked up a script based on Jacqueline Susann's soaptastic 1966 melodrama Valley of the Dolls*. The project will be written, directed, and produced by Oscar-nominated ...
A loose adaptation, clearly.
Okay, this is allegedly based on The Count of Monte Cristo, and I think I might have to watch it:
They're devoted Mystery! viewers.
My parents have recently embarked on a Michael Connelly binge, so this news should make them happy: Variety is reporting that ABC is developing a TV series based on the movie adaptation of Connell...
AMC's zombies return
If you've got a strong stomach and 4+ minutes to spare, the trailer's out for the second season of The Walking Dead, AMC's television adaptation of Robert Kirkman's comic book series:
The Nine Lives of Chloe King hits Hulu
The first episode of ABC Family's The Nine Lives of Chloe King (based on the YA novel by Celia Thompson) is now available on Hulu. Here's the trailer, which looks entertaining enough, if a little...
American Gods on TV?
I didn't have the stomach to enjoy this book (the thought of the main character's undead wife slowly decomposing body still makes me queasy, and I read the book almost ten years ago), but Neil Gai...
Skip Beat goes live-action
The trailer for the upcoming Taiwanese drama take on the Japanese manga Skip Beat is out:Uh... well, everyone looks pretty (particularly Korean actor Choi Siwon–that man is amazingly good-looking)...
The CW goes with what works
One more Wordcandy-friendly promo, and then we're done. The CW has debuted the official trailer for The Secret Circle, their upcoming adaptation of L.J. Smith's series about teen witches. (Smith...
Oprah she isn't.
NPR posted an article last Monday about TV personality and best-selling author Chelsea Handler, who was recently given her own publishing inprint within Grand Central Publishing. Handler might se...
Once Upon a Fall Upfront
Fairy tales are clearly hot right now, at least if you're a network TV producer. NBC's Grimm looks straight-up terrible (although I enjoyed the creepiness of the mailman guy). The acting in ABC'...
Wonder Woman: DOA?
Did David Kelley's oft-altered Wonder Woman reboot fail to make the cut at NBC? Variety thinks so. Too bad, because I hear the writers had toned down all the Ally McBeal-style fluttering and uppe...
I don't think I'm old enough for this one.
HBO's new take on George R.R. Martin's epic fantasy series Game of Thrones is about to descend upon us, and the reviews are mixed. I can't say this makes me want to watch it (although the line "[...
Good Omens to hit British TV
Someone is adapting Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's novel Good Omens into a TV show? But how will they include all the footnotes? Those are my favorite parts!
Imagine a Japanese Nancy Drew paired with a demonic Sherlock Holmes
I was delighted to discover that the deeply weird horror/mystery/comedy anime Neuro has turned up on Hulu. I don't think the manga is available in English and it's not the kind of show that comes...
Wonder Woman pining in her pajamas?
Here's hoping this description of David E. Kelley's script for his upcoming Wonder Woman TV show is grossly exaggerating things. Or a joke. Or something. Because that just sounds embarrassing.
What a waste of great cover art.
While poking around my local Target store over the weekend, I ran across the newly-released "motion comic" Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight DVD. I had never heard of the motion comic format...
Camelot: now with even more potboiler action!
Arthurian legend fans take note: Starz will be airing a new drama called Camelot, debuting April 1st. This new adaptation will be heavy on the sex, sword-fighting, and magic, and (thankfully) it'...