Posts tagged with madeleine-l-engle
Not the book I would have chosen to have a lot of merch tie-ins

The jewelry makers at Alex and Ani have released a collection inspired by Disney's upcoming A Wrinkle in Time film. I'm not sure how many people would recognize these pieces as being related to the story—they mostly feature generic-sounding inspirational quotes—but...
A tiny glimpse

Entertainment Weekly has some first-look images of Ava DuVernay's upcoming film adaptation of my beloved A Wrinkle in Time, and they are gorgeous. I'm REALLY not clear on why the article author decided to describe Oprah's depiction of Mrs. Which as "wizened"...
Probable hot mess

Okay, I'm 20% intrigued about/80% dreading this upcoming film adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. I really like the director (Selma's Ava DuVernay), but A Wrinkle in Time just isn't that movie friendly. Unlike, say, J.K. Rowling or C.S. Lewis, L'Engle's sense of fantasy was never particularly visual...
At least more people will read the book...?

Ugh. Variety informs me that Disney is planning to make a movie version of Madeleine L’Engle’s beloved A Wrinkle in Time, to be adapted by Frozen director Jennifer Lee. I'm always happy to see a woman handling a major film project, but I have concerns about this one, you guys...

Two thoughts went through my brain upon seeing this:
- Holy cats, there's going to be a A Wrinkle in Time graphic novel? About time!
A new book from a late author
I saw this at a Seattle bookstore over the weekend:The Joys of Love is a previously unpublished coming-of-age story written by Madeleine L'Engle in the 1940s. The book includes an introduction by...
Madeleine L'Engle (1918-2007)
We were very sorry to hear that Madeleine L'Engle, author of the mind-bogglingly awesome children's classic A Wrinkle in Time, died last Thursday. Ms. L'Engle lived to a ripe old eighty-eight, an...
A worthy effort
Square Fish Books has just released a gorgeous and inexpensive ($6.99) new paperback edition to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Madeleine L'Engle's Newberry-award-winning A Wrinkle in Time. Che...