I want one!
Mar 13

Okay, I love this story: NPR's article "Advice For Eating Well On A Tight Budget, From A Mom Who's Been There" introduces readers to JuJu Harris, a "culinary educator" and SNAP outreach coordinator with the Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, a nonprofit group devoted to pushing for a more equitable local food system in the Washington, D.C. area. Ms. Harris is the mother of a large family, and has received food assistance in the past. She drives the Arcadia Center's Mobile Market bus (described as "a farmer's market on wheels"), and has written a cookbook of easy, inexpensive recipes that combine food assistance staples with seasonal produce. The book, The Arcadia Mobile Market Seasonal Cookbook is given for free to Arcadia participants, but is now available to the general public as well. Sales of the cookbook support the distribution of the cookbook to Arcadia's SNAP and WIC Mobile Market customers.
Posted by: Julianka
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