Vintage style
Mar 7

WHYYY?!? I'm two years late, but I was so excited to discover these gorgeous, vintage-style reprints of Mary Stewart's romantic suspense novels, and now it turns out they're English*. Meanwhile, we here in America are still stuck with these versions, which, while undoubtedly an improvement over earlier editions, are totally generic and boring.
Frankly, I've given up on people ever giving Mary Stewart's novels the respect they deserve (even if Nine Coaches Waiting is a modern classic). But if we're going to treat her novels as ladylike pulp fiction, why shouldn't we be given editions to match?
*Thankfully, I can order them online. And I will, even though they're painfully expensive for a tiny paperback.
Frankly, I've given up on people ever giving Mary Stewart's novels the respect they deserve (even if Nine Coaches Waiting is a modern classic). But if we're going to treat her novels as ladylike pulp fiction, why shouldn't we be given editions to match?
*Thankfully, I can order them online. And I will, even though they're painfully expensive for a tiny paperback.
Posted by: Julianka
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