Hopefully they shell out for better cover art
Sep 18

Speaking of the erotic-novel publishing frenzy ignited by Fifty Shades of Grey, Publishers Weekly informs me that Penguin's Berkley Books imprint has picked up an erotic trilogy from romance novelist Maya Banks. Ms. Banks was apparently paid seven figures for the deal, so I'm assuming Penguin's expectations for this series are sky-high. I'd like to assume that it's also a testament to their faith in the quality of Ms. Banks's writing, but... um, no promises.
The first book in the trilogy, Rush, is due out in February 2013, and according to the article the series will center around three male business partners who "dominate in both the boardroom and the bedroom". (Here's hoping that phrase doesn't indicate the quality of the writing in the books, because: urgh.)
Note: I'm sincerely impressed by the hideousness of some of this author's previous covers. (Trust me, the attached image for this post is the best of the bunch.) Check this one out. Do you suppose that image and font came from a pre-existing ad for a male stripper, or did they need to make a fresh one?
The first book in the trilogy, Rush, is due out in February 2013, and according to the article the series will center around three male business partners who "dominate in both the boardroom and the bedroom". (Here's hoping that phrase doesn't indicate the quality of the writing in the books, because: urgh.)
Note: I'm sincerely impressed by the hideousness of some of this author's previous covers. (Trust me, the attached image for this post is the best of the bunch.) Check this one out. Do you suppose that image and font came from a pre-existing ad for a male stripper, or did they need to make a fresh one?
Posted by: Julianka
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