So many fake names
Apr 5

They've released the cover art for Lemony Snicket's (a.k.a. Daniel Handler) upcoming book Who Could That Be at This Hour?. This will be the first full-length novel Handler has written using his better-known pseudonym since A Series of Unfortunate Events ended five years ago, and will feature cover art and illustrations by Seth, the pen name for Palookaville cartoonist Gregory Gallant. The cover art looks great, I must admit, and I've heard good things about Handler's recent standalone novel (released under his own name) Why We Broke Up, but my hopes are still not ultra-high for this series. I've always attributed 80% of the success of A Series of Unfortunate Events to a combination of fortuitous timing (people were desperate for anything even remotely Harry Potter-esque) and eye-catching cover art (which was actually a weak imitation of Edward Gorey, but still better than most covers at the time), but maybe Snicket will produce something worthy of his sales figures this time.
...probably not, though.
...probably not, though.
Posted by: Julianka
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