New clothes inspired by old books
Mar 7

If you spend a lot of time in indie bookstores, you've probably already seen the line of t-shirts, fleeces, and bags created by Out of Print Clothing. Out of Print's products feature a variety of classic-book-cover-inspired images, and they're about to release several new designs taken from famous children's books: Harold and the Purple Crayon, In the Night Kitchen, Charlotte's Web, Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel, Harry the Dirty Dog, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The shirts are currently available for pre-order, and are expected to ship next week. They're not inexpensive ($28, which I find a little painful for a t-shirt), but Out of Print donates one book to a community in need and supports children's literacy initiatives in the U.S for each product sold.
Plus they're super cute. I already have their Pride and Prejudice t-shirt, and I really wish they'd make a sweatshirt version of their Lord of the Flies t-shirt. Not because I'm particularly fond of that book (who is?), but I like the combination of the soft, comfy shirt with the post-societal-meltdown message.
Plus they're super cute. I already have their Pride and Prejudice t-shirt, and I really wish they'd make a sweatshirt version of their Lord of the Flies t-shirt. Not because I'm particularly fond of that book (who is?), but I like the combination of the soft, comfy shirt with the post-societal-meltdown message.
Posted by: Julianka
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