Oct 10
We try to meet every bibliophile’s entertainment needs here at Wordcandy, and that includes fans of recreational cookbook reading. Check out Stephanie Anderson’s Killer Pies: Delicious Recipes from North America’s Favorite Restaurants:

Doesn’t that look great? On top of having awesome cover art (I love the vaguely threatening-looking utensils), Ms. Anderson’s publisher has a webpage up that allows you to try out three of the book’s featured recipes—pecan, apple, and a gorgeous raspberry-rhubarb.
...can you tell I haven’t had breakfast yet?

Doesn’t that look great? On top of having awesome cover art (I love the vaguely threatening-looking utensils), Ms. Anderson’s publisher has a webpage up that allows you to try out three of the book’s featured recipes—pecan, apple, and a gorgeous raspberry-rhubarb.
...can you tell I haven’t had breakfast yet?
Posted by: Julianka
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I love the fact that (unlike, say, ice cream) there's a pie for every season. It's the world's most flexible dessert!
I'm going to try the apple pie recipe, minus the lard- (gross!) or shortening-based pie crust.