Posts tagged with susanna-clarke
Made for TV?

Be still my heart: BBC America is apparently planning a miniseries adaptation of Susanna Clarke's 2004 novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, set to air in 2014. Of course, if they really want to do justice to the book...
Living up to the hype
The Wall Street Journal has posted an article about the marketing hoopla surrounding never-before-published author Erin Morgenstern's upcoming novel The Night Circus. Once again, everyone involv...
Bargain hunters take heed
Barnes and Noble currently has a lovely boxed set of Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell available for $3.99. The book has been broken down into three volumes (each bound in a diffe...
The Ladies of Grace Adieu, by Susanna Clarke

Fans of Susanna Clarke’s 2004 novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell will be thrilled to learn that Bloomsbury has just released a gorgeous collection of Ms. Clarke’s short stories, all of which are set in the same world as Strange and Norrell, although few feature the same characters...
Wordcandy particularly loves her short stories.
Just a reminder, Clarke fans: you can read one of the short stories found in The Ladies of Grace Adieu here. It's called The Duke of Wellington Misplaces His Horse, and it originally appeared on ...
Wordcandy loves Susanna Clarke
Susanna Clarke's new book, The Ladies of Grace Adieu, is due out on October 17th. Apparently, it will be a collection of short stories set in the world of her first book, Jonathan Strange and Mr....
Wordcandy loves the mass-market paperbacks
I realize that for many people, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was a daunting proposition. After all, the book was A) approximately one million pages long, B) close to thirty dollars, and C) awf...
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke

Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is an extraordinary book, but Bloomsbury’s attempt to market it as “Harry Potter for grown-ups” is misleading. Clarke’s ten-years-in-the-making debut novel is a witty, wildly imaginative book that’s certain to knock the socks off any English Lit major...